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Synching images in Reunion 11

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    Synching images in Reunion 11

    I'm curious about a couple of things w/re to synching into the Dropbox cloud.

    1. Some of my images on my iPhone were fuzzy at first and it took a while for the higher resolution versions to make it down to my phone. Does the synching only occur when my phone is on? when my laptop is on?

    2. The original files for my photos are NOT in the Dropbox folder, so is ReunionTouch getting them from the .familyfile11s in there? If so, how come the .familyfile11s only add up to about 150 MB but the phone shows usage of 179MB?

    3. When were these iPhone High Resolution images put into the .familyfile11? During conversion - or do I need to leave Reunion 11 open so that it can catch up in creating them?

    4. If I add a lot more photos and record images, how much space is ReunionTouch likely to consume on my iPhone (I'm bumping up near the limit of storage as it is.) Can I expect the document storage on my iPhone to remain approximately the same as the .familyfile11 files in my dropbox?


    Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

    Originally posted by donworth View Post
    I'm curious about a couple of things w/re to synching into the Dropbox cloud.
    I'll attempt to answer without leading everyone too far astray. If I get something too wrong, I'm sure (and I hope) I'll be corrected.

    Originally posted by donworth View Post
    1. Some of my images on my iPhone were fuzzy at first and it took a while for the higher resolution versions to make it down to my phone. Does the synching only occur when my phone is on? when my laptop is on?
    The Reunion 11 family file has a collection of large thumbnails and small thumbnails embedded in the file structure. When put into your computer's Dropbox folder, the whole family file is uploaded to the Dropbox server. The laptop will need to be on for the original upload to complete. I believe ReunionTouch downloads the small thumbnails first and the large ones afterwards. It'll need to be running to copy from the Dropbox server, but should keep track of what it has and what's left.

    Originally posted by donworth View Post
    2. The original files for my photos are NOT in the Dropbox folder, so is ReunionTouch getting them from the .familyfile11s in there? If so, how come the .familyfile11s only add up to about 150 MB but the phone shows usage of 179MB?
    Don't know about the size discrepancy, but I'm pretty sure the original files are not a part of the ReunionTouch database.

    Originally posted by donworth View Post
    3. When were these iPhone High Resolution images put into the .familyfile11? During conversion - or do I need to leave Reunion 11 open so that it can catch up in creating them?
    The large thumbnails are created during conversion/creation of the Reunion 11 family file.

    Originally posted by donworth View Post
    4. If I add a lot more photos and record images, how much space is ReunionTouch likely to consume on my iPhone (I'm bumping up near the limit of storage as it is.) Can I expect the document storage on my iPhone to remain approximately the same as the .familyfile11 files in my dropbox?
    Since they're downsampled thumbnails, each image should take up much less space than an iPhone camera image in the Camera Roll. I would assume there's a correspondence between the ReunionTouch data use and the Reunion 11 family file size, but couldn't tell you how close they'll be.
    Last edited by ttl; 21 April 2015, 12:11 AM.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

      Thanks, Tim. I wanted to run Reunion on a 2nd Mac and was reading the "Using Dropbox" instructions in the manual for 11. But it says that if I try to run Reunion on another Mac while the first one is still open, it will warn me and either shut the first one down, or quit. It appears that ReunionTouch will allow multiple devices to be active on the file at the same time. Is this new technology not (yet) available for Reunion 11 on a non-mobile device?


        Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

        I believe you are correct that only one Reunion 11 session can be active at a time.
        Tim Lundin
        Heartland Family Graphics


          Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          Does the synching only occur when my phone is on? when my laptop is on?
          Once any changes made on your laptop have had a chance to be uploaded to Dropbox, your laptop does not need to be on for ReunionTouch to get those changes. However, your mobile device must be on and ReunionTouch must be in front for those changes to sync to ReunionTouch.

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          1. ReunionTouch getting them [the original images] from the .familyfile11s in there?
          The images that you see in ReunionTouch are the thumbnails which are stored in your Reunion 11 family file. ReunionTouch can not access the original media items.

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          2. come the .familyfile11s only add up to about 150 MB but the phone shows usage of 179MB?
          The same basic data is stored on both the Macintosh and the mobile device, so the family file size will be about the same on both systems. There is no provision in ReunionTouch to report family files size so I am thinking that the 179MB is the iPhone reporting more than just your family file size.

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          3. When were these iPhone High Resolution images put into the .familyfile11?
          This is done immediately. When Reunion 11 completes the upgrade of your family file, all of the hi-res thumbnails have been created. You do not need to leave Reunion 11 open to complete this process. If the family file is going to a Dropbox folder, you might need to leave your Macintosh turned on a while to allow time for all the data to make it up to the Dropbox cloud.

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          4. If I add a lot more photos and record images, how much space is ReunionTouch likely to consume on my iPhone...
          Each image added in Reunion 11 will increase the family file size by about 140K. Images added in ReunionTouch will use more space because the original full-resolution image must be passed back to the master family on the Macintosh. Once you Reset Sharing in Reunion 11, any large images added in ReunionTouch will be reduced to thumbnails and the full resolution image will be safely stored on your Macintosh.

          Originally posted by donworth View Post
          Can I expect the document storage on my iPhone to remain approximately the same as the .familyfile11 files in my dropbox?
          Gregg Witmer
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

            Originally posted by donworth View Post
            It appears that ReunionTouch will allow multiple devices to be active on the file at the same time. Is this new technology not (yet) available for Reunion 11 on a non-mobile device?
            Multiple copies of ReunionTouch can be modifying the same family file at one time -- however, only one Macintosh at a time can have that same family file open.
            Gregg Witmer
            Leister Productions, Inc.


              Re: Synching images in Reunion 11

              Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions, Greg!!

              Sounds like, if I link all my source record images and photos (many of which are pretty large) they won't contribute appreciably to my iPhone crowding problem. 140K each isn't too bad. I may go ahead and do that then.


