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Uploading GED file to other websites (or not!)

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    Kurt Cowling, I can't help your problem for now. I experienced the same problem as yours (with finding and identifying yourself in a gedcom export/import) when trying to import a file into MyHeritage. If I figure it out I'll certainly advise. Thanks.


      If you are using Ancestry along with Reunion, there is really no need at all to download media and link items to Reunion entries. I only link portrait style photos to Reunion. As for the rest.....

      Open your wallet and purchase the Family Tree Maker application. Link it to your tree on Ancestry. Synch the FTM app and the Ancestry tree. Now you have a local copy of all of the media that has been attached to records in your Ancestry tree. Then synch regularly. Need to see a particular census sheet. Fire up FTM, locate the person and choose that census sheet from the media sidebar. I've been doing this for close to ten years. I find it totally satisfactory as really -- how often does one need to look at those items again?

      Advisory: I only use FTM as a storage medium where it does very well. The software is pretty clunky.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        O. K. - I just spent my $79.- and bought FTM 2019. Created a GEDCOM in Reunion and imported in to my new nifty FTM program. Went pretty well and now I have an FTM version of my Reunion file. But - the ONLY reason I bought FTM was to be able to use it as an intermediary to allow me to get my Reunion tree into Ancestry (while I'm hesitant to put my info on Ancestry, I like others here, I worry about years of work disappearing when I shuffle off this mortal coil). So now I have this nifty new FTM family tree to import into Ancestry. I fire up Ancestry, find and follow the directions for importing an FTM file, and give it a go. Aaaggghhhh!! Ancestry now tells me my file size is too large to import. They have a 75MB limit on file size for importing. Has anyone dealt with this limitation? Hopefully I don't have to split my tree into his side, her side and then try to rejoin it within Ancestry.


          Well, according to Ancestry "Functionality to merge trees is not currently available on Ancestry. We recommend copying people from one tree to another..." Well, so much for the idea of splitting my tree, and importing each Family Tree Maker piece into Ancestry separately, then combining the pieces back together in Ancestry. Apparently won't work. And the idea of adding person after person into a truncated tree does not at all excite me. I'm not anxious to build a tree on Ancestry a person at a time.

          Looking for some great ideas here. Can anyone help?


            Perhaps I should have supplied a bit more detail. No to loading a GEDCOM into your new nifty copy of FTM. What you should do is create a new family file in your copy of FTM with precisely the same name as your tree on Ancestry. (Your created file will add ".ftm" to the local copy.) Then on the first tab in FTM, "Plan", choose Download a Tree from Ancestry. It will respond with a dialog to sign in to your Ancestry account and you can follow subsequent dialogs. How long it takes depends on the size of the files. Hint: Data will come down pretty quickly; media may take several hours; just keep FTM running in the background while you do other things.

            I have been doing Ancestry for nearly 15 years and I did not know of a 75 MB upload limit. You must have a huge file. Just looked at the local backup copy and it is only about 17 MB for roughly 3,000 people. The advice page shows the limit but does not offer a solution.

            Go to Ancestry. Choose Help > Support Center in the top bar. Most pages have a Contact Us at or near the bottom of the page. I believe one can do either live phone or live chat. See what they have to say.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Thanks Bob.

              Maybe I'm a bit slow on the uptake, but I'm not sure I'm following you. I do not have an Ancestry tree. What I want to is to start one. So - downloading my Ancestry tree doesn't really apply.

              As to no GEDCOM into FTM - I was just following directions in FTM to create a tree from another program - here Reunion.. The path was, according to FTM, create a GEDCOM from your program and then import it. Did that. Worked great. Installed a lot of my multimedia.

              But what I've found re limit of upload file is repeated in many other places on the web (I've been searching).

              I got excited when I found an Ancestry YouTube video entitled "Splitting or Combining Family Trees."

              I'm not sure if the link I'm listing just below will come through or not - but if you Google search for "Combining Family Trees in Ancestry," you get that hit Splitting or Combining Family Trees | Ancestry - YouTube

              AHA! Just what I need thought I - however they don't show you how to do that online with Ancestry. Their answer to combining family trees is to export your individual Ancestry trees (via GEDCOM) to FTM (which they use) and combine them using FTM. Not what I wanted. And a number of comments following this video were along the line of "thank you for wasting x minutes of my time by watching a video which really doesn't address combining within Ancestry."

              One reason I though FTM was the answer to my goal is that FTM will export multimedia to Ancestry - which GEDOM use will not. My family tree is 87MB - about 4000 persons. The 4000 persons is certainly not extraordinary for a family tree. But size is cranked up because of the significant amount of multimedia the file contains (photos, documents, obits, and the like).

              Still hoping for a way to do this without spending hours copying stuff to Ancestry.


                My bad! This is a long thread and I overlooked that you did not have the tree already in Ancestry. While I don't know what the final solution is here, I do have one question/suggestion for you. In the Tools menu in FTM, there is a choice named "Compact File..." which I have used several times over the years. Have you tried that?
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Originally posted by cponeill View Post
                  O. K. - I just spent my $79.- and bought FTM 2019. Created a GEDCOM in Reunion and imported in to my new nifty FTM program. Went pretty well and now I have an FTM version of my Reunion file. But - the ONLY reason I bought FTM was to be able to use it as an intermediary to allow me to get my Reunion tree into Ancestry (while I'm hesitant to put my info on Ancestry, I like others here, I worry about years of work disappearing when I shuffle off this mortal coil). So now I have this nifty new FTM family tree to import into Ancestry. I fire up Ancestry, find and follow the directions for importing an FTM file, and give it a go. Aaaggghhhh!! Ancestry now tells me my file size is too large to import. They have a 75MB limit on file size for importing. Has anyone dealt with this limitation? Hopefully I don't have to split my tree into his side, her side and then try to rejoin it within Ancestry.
                  I'm wondering if the GEDCOM file was really greater than 75MB? That is a huge file size for a GEDCOM file.

                  One of the files I have for the Clan Moffat Society has almost 78,000 people in it, and the GEDCOM file exported from Reunion for that is 27MB

                  But in any case, since you have the family in Family Tree Maker now, you should be able to use FTM to upload your local tree to be an Ancestry tree by synchronising from your computer to Ancestry. Sorry I don't know the exact steps to do that, but it is surely possible to do that without doing it by GEDCOM file? Start at this page

                  Roger Moffat


                    Thanks Bob for the "Compact File" suggestion. Just tried that - it compacted my file by a whooping 0.25%. Effectively no compaction.

                    And Roger - thanks for chiming in. I need all the help I can get. It's not the gedcom file that's the problem. My gedcom is 2.8MB. But I don't want to import my Gedcom into Ancestry - it won't carry all my multimedia into Ancestry. It's my FTM family tree file I need to import into Ancestry. That file is about 87MB and ancestry gags on it. I could sync my FTM file with my Ancestry tree - if I had an Ancestry tree - which I don't. As I read the instructions in FTM and Ancestry what I need to do is to import my FTM family tree file - which so far I haven't been able to do.


                      Originally posted by cponeill View Post
                      And Roger - thanks for chiming in. I need all the help I can get. It's not the gedcom file that's the problem. My gedcom is 2.8MB. But I don't want to import my Gedcom into Ancestry - it won't carry all my multimedia into Ancestry. It's my FTM family tree file I need to import into Ancestry. That file is about 87MB and ancestry gags on it. I could sync my FTM file with my Ancestry tree - if I had an Ancestry tree - which I don't. As I read the instructions in FTM and Ancestry what I need to do is to import my FTM family tree file - which so far I haven't been able to do.
                      From the Help file in Family Tree Maker

                      Getting started

                      Once you have a tree in Family Tree Maker, you can upload it to Ancestry by clicking Upload and Link to Ancestry from the Current Tree view in the Plan workspace.
                      Have you done this?

                      My Family Tree Maker file is 94MB and I have done as noted here - twice.

                      Roger Moffat


                        Aha! Aha! VOILA! (I think) Thanks for the guidance Roger.

                        I tried the upload per your suggestion and it almost worked. It started and almost finished the upload but wouldn't complete the upload. I think I have some bad media links (65 of them per FTM's Media report) which it looks like I need to repair and try again. Repairing 65 broken links will take me some time. I'll let you know - probably tomorrow - if I was successful.

                        Not impressed with FTM's help function. You sort of have to search for items and then poke around looking for help. I probably would not have found the procedure you referenced for uploading to Ancestry.


                          Eureka! Got it!

                          After spending all afternoon I relinked the 65 media files (of the 1380 media files I had) which were unlinked, but that by itself didn't fix the problem. A number of the media files appeared as aliases or other file types that FTM would not recognize (and these we found only after repeated attempts to upload to Ancestry and writing for the final verdict - you bombed.) Anyway, all the nasty files were eliminated and finally the tree uploaded into Ancestry where it now resides - all 88MB of it.

                          Now I need to go back through my Reunion tree and find the unlinked files there. Don't know if there's a canned Reunion procedure to find them. I'll find out.
                          Last edited by cponeill; 13 January 2020, 06:36 PM.


                            Catching up on this interesting thread. I created an Ancestry type Gedcom from Reunion and imported it into Ancestry. What advantage is there of doing it via FTM?


                              Originally posted by Gadifer View Post
                              Catching up on this interesting thread. I created an Ancestry type Gedcom from Reunion and imported it into Ancestry. What advantage is there of doing it via FTM?
                              Isn't Family Tree Maker owned by If so, then the advantage is that Ancestry gets more money from you.
                              Dennis B. Swaney
                              Prescott, AZ

                              MacOS 10.13.6; MacOS 12.6; iOS 16; iPadOS 12 & 16


                                Importing a “normal” Gedcom into Ancestry will not carry any media - no photos, no documents, no anything but the basic facts of the family file. If you want all those photos, those obits, those find-a-grave webpages, those newspaper clippings, those copies of wedding documents, etc., etc. the only way I'm aware of that will do it is to copy the gedcom into FTM, then import that FTM file into your Ancestry tree.

