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Safari Problem at Family Search

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    Safari Problem at Family Search


    In following up on a Family Search announcement about discontinuing support for PAF,

    when using Safari 5.1.9 on OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, I do not see the discussions under the bolded questions. Using Firefox 20.0, I see all the content.

    Is my problem with Safari due to not using the later versions which are not available with Snow Leopard? Or is there another explanation?

    Al Poulin

    Researching Marcoux, Côté, Dion, Turcotte

    Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

    Originally posted by Al Poulin View Post
    Is my problem with Safari due to not using the later versions which are not available with Snow Leopard? Or is there another explanation?
    I have the latest version of Safari (6.0.5), and it doesn't do any better with that page.

    There must be some incompatibility between the html they're using and Safari, though I don't know what it is. An html checker,, identifies 9 errors on the page. Another,, identifies others; I suspect the use of "hgroup" may be the problem, but perhaps not...
    Last edited by Dennis J. Cunniff; 02 July 2013, 03:36 PM.
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

      Originally posted by Al Poulin View Post

      In following up on a Family Search announcement about discontinuing support for PAF,

      when using Safari 5.1.9 on OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, I do not see the discussions under the bolded questions. Using Firefox 20.0, I see all the content.

      Is my problem with Safari due to not using the later versions which are not available with Snow Leopard? Or is there another explanation?

      I see exactly the same problem in the same environment as you.

      But if I use the mouse to select from "Frequently asked questions" to the line below "JULY 15," in the Safari window, copy and paste into a text editor (Tex-Edit Plus, but I expect that any other including Pages would be the same) all the "invisible" text is there.

      So for some reason it is being rendered in white on white, or something of that kind!


        Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

        I am using 10.7.5 Mac Lion and after having had numerous problems using Safari 6.0.5 when accessing both the FamilySearch and Ancestry web sites, I finally got fed up and have now switched to using Firefox 21.0 where (so far at least) no such problems have been encountered.
        researching: LAIT (all) and REEDS (all) in England
        MacBook Air, Reunion 12, Safari 15.


          Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

          Strange - Using M/Lion 10-8.4 and using Safari 6.0.5 and Firefox 22.0 (Updated today!!) and am not having any difficulty in searching FamilySearch;
          Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.

          I don't use PAF so I can't comment on that aspect, but in every other regard I'm more than happy to use Safari in preference to Firefox.

          iMac 27" (late 2015) 2TB, 24GB Ram, (Monterey 12.3.1) iPad Pro 12.9" 256GB (Ios 14.4), iPhone 6S+ 128GB (Ios 14.4), Reunion 13,


            Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

            I am still using Lion and not Mountain Lion so perhaps this is where the problem lies.

            To clarify, it is within the FamilySearch web site itself using their Family Tree and linking items from my Source Box to individuals in Family Tree that some times it would just "hang" while using Safari. No such issues have occurred using Firefox.

            Similarly using the Ancestry web site, where contact with Ancestry over the issue resulted in them advising the use of Firefox for more stability.

            I'm merely relating my own experience.

            researching: LAIT (all) and REEDS (all) in England
            MacBook Air, Reunion 12, Safari 15.


              Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

              Originally posted by Al Poulin View Post

              In following up on a Family Search announcement about discontinuing support for PAF,

              when using Safari 5.1.9 on OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, I do not see the discussions under the bolded questions. Using Firefox 20.0, I see all the content.

              Is my problem with Safari due to not using the later versions which are not available with Snow Leopard? Or is there another explanation?


              At first, I can not see the discussions either. But when I disable Styles under the Develop heading, I can see them. I am using Safari v5.1.9 (6534.59.8)

              Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11


                Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

                Originally posted by Cormac View Post

                At first, I can not see the discussions either. But when I disable Styles under the Develop heading, I can see them. I am using Safari v5.1.9 (6534.59.8)

                Same here but it makes for a very ugly looking page. Apparently, FTM is using an undefined style not recognized by Safari. We used to see a lot of this when under informed enthusiastic people used MS Word to create web pages.
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Re: Safari Problem at Family Search

                  Originally posted by Al Poulin View Post
                  Or is there another explanation?
                  There's another explanation -- the font being used, ProximaNova, won't load properly in OS X. For some reason, instead of falling back to the next font specified in the CSS (san-serif), Safari just doesn't display any text. Other browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox) use the next font specified in the CSS, so you can see the text there.

                  This is probably something that needs to be fixed in Safari (it should recognize the failure and use the next font), but the web devs over at could correct it by using a different font that properly loads in OS X. (It's possible the font doesn't work in other OS's; I didn't test any.)
                  Last edited by Frank; 05 July 2013, 04:58 PM.
                  Mark Harrison
                  Leister Productions, Inc.

