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Negative Information

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    Negative Information

    I've decided to devote my time for a few months on some of my dead ends--and was wondering how people keep records of sources that are NOT for your ancestor. I have an Absalom Frazier born about 1830--and there are 2 (maybe 3) others of the same time period that have more information than my guy. Sigh--my dead ends managed to avoid paper trails too. Its getting time consuming to keep looking at the same files over and over again when I search for the name say in

    At least that is an uncommon name...I also have a William Wilson.

    Both these guys managed to avoid the Civil War.

    Christina the stumped
    Searching for Moog, Nippert, Wilson, Wolf, Mule, and a whole bunch of other names

    Re: Negative Information

    Well I tend to put "Not the John Smith who m. Joan at Melksham, 1734" in the Notes. But you could create a NOT notes window in which you put it instead!


      Re: Negative Information

      I have two TextEdit docs that live on my desktop. One is phrases that I use repeatedly in Notes, so that I can quickly copy/paste and fill in the blanks. The second is a list of these pesky "nots" with just enough info for comparison to what I'm currently looking at.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Negative Information

        Originally posted by Barnbarroch View Post
        Well I tend to put "Not the John Smith who m. Joan at Melksham, 1734" in the Notes. But you could create a NOT notes window in which you put it instead!
        I have done the "not the Absalom Frazier living in Kentucky" thing before, but hadn't thought of a "not note". I like this.
        Last edited by Deb; 01 October 2013, 11:45 AM.
        Searching for Moog, Nippert, Wilson, Wolf, Mule, and a whole bunch of other names


          Re: Negative Information

          Originally posted by Bob White View Post
          I have two TextEdit docs that live on my desktop. One is phrases that I use repeatedly in Notes, so that I can quickly copy/paste and fill in the blanks.
          Bob, I'd love to see your list of phrases, if you wouldn't mind doing a Copy/Paste here. Thanks!

          aka Always Looking for Good Ways to Be More Organized


            Re: Negative Information

            Here's a few -- enough to give you the flavor....

            Federal Census: Year: NNNN Place: aaa, aaa, aaa Roll: NNN Page: NNN District: NN Image: XXXX.

            Marriage data per California Marriage Index 1961-1985.

            aaaaa became a naturalized American citizen on DATE,, at the US District Court in city, state, under Petition Number NNNN. As part of the naturalization, she changed her name from aaaaaaaa to aaaaaaa.

            The idea is fill in the blanks with the letters reminding me what kind of data. a for words, N for numeric and X for variable. Simple but saves time. (You must also understand that I don't use Reunion's source structure. All of my documentation is in Notes. Subject for another day.)
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Re: Negative Information

              Tell me more, please, on not using Reunion's Source Structured but rather using Notes as it sounds interesting.
              Richard Palmer
              "Life is Good"
              Click here to email me
              Wahl&Schmidt-Germany; McCarbery-Ireland


                Re: Negative Information

                Originally posted by RPalmer View Post
                Tell me more, please, on not using Reunion's Source Structured but rather using Notes as it sounds interesting.
                Yes, please share. I agree - I'm interested.
                I want to say - as a newbie - I'm learning amazing stuff here!
                Terri Works - Fifth Generation Californian
                Using Reunion 11 and High Sierra OS

