Is there a standard/accepted way in Reunion, or in genealogical records/software more generally, to indicate what the Germans call a person's Rufname, literally the name someone is called?
This is different from a nickname, in that it's someone's actual name, but often a middle name.
For instance, in Germany in the 1700s and 1800s, it was common for all of the boys in a family to be Johann Something Surname, so Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Christof Bach, etc. Each such male in a family would be known by his middle name, or Rufname. For girls, the default first name seems to often have been Maria, but again, each would have actually been called by her middle name, or by one of them if she had more than one.
I'm running into this with some recent Swedish additions to my Reunion file.
This is different from a nickname, in that it's someone's actual name, but often a middle name.
For instance, in Germany in the 1700s and 1800s, it was common for all of the boys in a family to be Johann Something Surname, so Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Christof Bach, etc. Each such male in a family would be known by his middle name, or Rufname. For girls, the default first name seems to often have been Maria, but again, each would have actually been called by her middle name, or by one of them if she had more than one.
I'm running into this with some recent Swedish additions to my Reunion file.