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Drop box to move family files from my desktop to Mac Book Pro

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    Drop box to move family files from my desktop to Mac Book Pro

    Could somebody tell me why I can't transfer my family files from my desktop to my laptop?

    I am going on a History and Genealogy Cruise in 2 days and want to attend a Reunion Workshop, but when I click 'export' my files via dropbox a pop up advises that I need to put in my name and registration number. I have done this but it won't accept same, when I click enter the accept box is remains grey.

    How can I do this move?

    Thank you in anticipation

    Re: Drop box to move family files from my desktop to Mac Book Pro

    Ever thought of using a simple thumb drive?
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: Drop box to move family files from my desktop to Mac Book Pro

      Perhaps a better understanding of Dropbox works will help here.

      When one puts a file in Dropbox, one is actually putting the file in a local folder on the Mac. The folder is named Dropbox is located MacintoshHD > Users > UserName > Dropbox. When one puts an item in said folder, it initiates an upload to the Dropbox servers into a duplicate folder. Essentially, Dropbox is keeping both folders in synch.

      Now that you know how and where, SGilbert has given you the best solution.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

