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Using 'notes'

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    Using 'notes'

    I read in a thread here somewhere that this person prefers to write a biography of the person in 'notes' rather than (or is it as well as?) using 'events' which just generates a list of facts and figures.

    How is this information then presented in a report, say a Family File Report?

    Do you still include the facts and figures or just the biography?
    Last edited by The Wheeler Family; 01 March 2014, 05:25 AM.
    I have a MAC OSX 10.9.1
    Using Reunion 10

    Re: Using 'notes'

    I'm guessing that you are referring to one of my posts.

    I use the NOTES field to store biographies as well as genealogical notes (including timelines sometimes). For example:

    As you can see, the notes start with a biography, followed (by my convention) by the word "RESEARCH" then I have all my "loose ends" - a timeline of potential records that might be applicable to the person and other scattered information that I haven't been able to confirm yet. When I run the data out into a Register Report, the entire NOTES field goes into the report. As I put the report into my page layout program, I manually delete everything after the RESEARCH: tag. The boundary between bio and research data is a bit fuzzy sometimes. For example, when I did my LEE book I added to the bio to explain where my findings were still a bit conjectural and why. This one is an example:

    Hope that helps!



      Re: Using 'notes'

      Or it may have been something I said. I use an approach similar to Don and do not have one single source in my family file. I have a narrative of my findings followed by a "Notes" section showing source information and work notes. I have two reasons for working this way.

      First, while working with one person, I want everything right in front of my face. I do not want to be clicking around to see what information is in a numbered source and maybe going back and forth several times. Simply put, I see source records as getting in the way of working efficiently.

      Second, when I do a report, such as a register report, I want the information, including source data, with the person's information as opposed to a list many pages away. <smile> The back and forth thing again!

      This is not a criticism of Reunion. Most of the genealogy software available are quite similar in the way they do source records and organize reports. Very likely, I would do this in any situation. And, now you know why I never try to answer source questions in ReunionTalk.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Using 'notes'

        Originally posted by donworth View Post
        I'm guessing that you are referring to one of my posts.

        I use the NOTES field to store biographies as well as genealogical notes (including timelines sometimes). For example:

        As you can see, the notes start with a biography, followed (by my convention) by the word "RESEARCH" then I have all my "loose ends" - a timeline of potential records that might be applicable to the person and other scattered information that I haven't been able to confirm yet. When I run the data out into a Register Report, the entire NOTES field goes into the report. As I put the report into my page layout program, I manually delete everything after the RESEARCH: tag. The boundary between bio and research data is a bit fuzzy sometimes. For example, when I did my LEE book I added to the bio to explain where my findings were still a bit conjectural and why. This one is an example:

        Hope that helps!

        Thank-you to you both for your replies.

        Just so I'm clear on what you have done... your 'notes' are a narrative/summary of the facts and figures you have found in your research?
        Last edited by Deb; 04 March 2014, 08:57 AM.
        I have a MAC OSX 10.9.1
        Using Reunion 10


          Re: Using 'notes'

          Originally posted by The Wheeler Family View Post
          ... your 'notes' are a narrative/summary of the facts and figures you have found in your research?
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Using 'notes'

            Originally posted by The Wheeler Family View Post
            I read in a thread here somewhere that this person prefers to write a biography of the person in 'notes' rather than (or is it as well as?) using 'events' which just generates a list of facts and figures.

            How is this information then presented in a report, say a Family File Report?

            Do you still include the facts and figures or just the biography?
            If you will send me your email address I will send you a Wheeler example as I descend from Thomas (1465) to Henry (1503) to John (1533) etc etc.

