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cousins of cousins ...

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    cousins of cousins ...

    Hi ... a question about who is and who is not a cousin. At first this would seem straightforward - if they have a common ancestor, they're cousins. If not, then no.
    ... But here's the twist: Are the cousins of the spouse of your relative also your cousins?
    ... Pete Palmeri (my gt-uncle) married Florence D'Agostin ... her brother married and had two sons Larry and Richard.
    ... so there is no blood relation between Larry, Richard, and I. But they are first cousins with the children of Pete & Flo - who are my first cousins once removed.

    So ... are Larry & Richard "cousins of my cousins"? or simply "my cousins" ?


    Re: cousins of cousins ...

    Originally posted by Steve Gebbia View Post
    Hi ... a question about who is and who is not a cousin. At first this would seem straightforward - if they have a common ancestor, they're cousins. If not, then no.
    ... But here's the twist: Are the cousins of the spouse of your relative also your cousins?
    ... Pete Palmeri (my gt-uncle) married Florence D'Agostin ... her brother married and had two sons Larry and Richard.
    ... so there is no blood relation between Larry, Richard, and I. But they are first cousins with the children of Pete & Flo - who are my first cousins once removed.

    So ... are Larry & Richard "cousins of my cousins"? or simply "my cousins" ?

    The answer lies in what you said at the outset: if there's a common ancestor, they're cousins.

    So Larry and Richard are not your cousins unless Florence's brother or his spouse share a common ancestor with you. If you like to use the term "cousins of my cousins" then it's appropriate for you, and in my own family we often referred to cousins who in fact shared no ancestry when they fell into similar situations. But in a genealogical sense, absent a blood tie there are no cousins.
    Montgomery, Alabama


      Re: cousins of cousins ...

      Originally posted by Steve W. Jackson View Post
      ....... If you like to use the term "cousins of my cousins" then it's appropriate for you, and .......
      There is another expression to describe this. It would appear that Larry and Richard are what my family called shirttail relatives.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: cousins of cousins ...

        thanks, guys ... confirmed what I suspected from the beginning. My dad thinks of them as his cousin, but I usually try to be more accurate about it without rubbing it in anyone's face. If they want to call them cousins or "my cousin's cousin", then so be it.
        ... although I have their family info, none of them appear in the family chart (tree)

