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Doing some family tree & surname research

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    Doing some family tree & surname research


    It's been a couple of months now that I have developed an interest in genealogy. I have been talking to elders, keeping notes, collecting old photographs etc. The more search I do, the stronger the feeling to look for even more. I have drawn my family tree (and I mean, I actually made a drawing with watercolors of an actual tree with roots, leaves etc. and people on the branches) and now I'm looking to find more about my surname. Our name is something so familiar to us that we don't think much about it but once you do think about it, it feels like a secret bond to other people, strangers scattered all around the world.

    The name is Pollock and I came across this article written by this guy Tristan Pollock. I just sent an email with a couple of questions and I am looking for even more info on the Pollock and its variants (Pollack/Pollak), which seems to be of scottish origin. Any pointers will be appriciated.

    Back to the family tree, I I have googled and I see there's software to use for entering a family tree. Not sure which one to pick, though. If you can suggest any software from own experience, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for having me here.

    Reunion is great!
    Kevan Yuck, RU~13.0 (Build: 210616) 64-bit, macOS 11.4
    Search - Hebner, Hein(s), Keuhl, Wilke, Juch, Yuch, Yuck, Yuke


      Jane, You post here on Reunion's forums asking for recommendations regarding family tree software. Did you really expect answers that were not Reunion?? Of course, Reunion is the best; just ask anyone on this forum.
      rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


        I think Reunion wonderful, to beats Family Tree Maker hand downs
        Reunion 12 iPod 6 , Reunion Touch


          My money's on Reunion, which you might expec. It's clean, logical, has good functionality, is kept up-to-date, and is not linked to some other money-making system. The data is yours, and not used by others to make a profit from your research. But before you choose, remember that it's not all that easy to change from one system to another.


            Of course, every one here, including me, thinks Reunion is great. However, some practical questions....

            Are you using Mac or Windows? Reunion is Mac only. Do you desire to build/keep a tree on your local computer or would something "in the cloud" be preferable? Do you want to be able to also use a tablet which again brings up the Apple or others question?

            Food for thought. If you would like to (and it's up to you) provide some thoughts along these lines, there's lots of thoughts we can share.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

