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Illegitimate vs out of wedlock = Difference?

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    Illegitimate vs out of wedlock = Difference?

    My daughter had a son 7 years ago through a relationship with a friend. They did not get married nor does the "father" have any rights or contact. Which Classification do I use and how to I enter him so that it does not appear that he is a child of my daughter's new husband? And, as a father who wishes to be complete, accurate in utterly subjective in creating her family tree, is there a way to make "mention" of this person without it being available on the printed charts?

    I have some adopted kids in my tree. If the birth parents are truly out of the picture, I don't include them in my database and just put the children in the adoptive parents family. Other people insist I am committing heresy by doing so :-)

    You have a lot of options on how you want to handle this. If you haven't already, open Help -> Contents and search for 'Child Status'

    Researching Western NC and Northeast GA and any family connected to Caney Fork in Jackson County, NC


      Thanks Kirk. I did look at them but none seem to fit. I guess I COULD list him as adopted in hope that my daughter's new hubby has intentions to do that. Special conjures a "handicap" as opposed to "different circumstances". Maybe there should be an "Other" option to provide details.


        Originally posted by sjh0006 View Post
        Thanks Kirk. I did look at them but none seem to fit. I guess I COULD list him as adopted in hope that my daughter's new hubby has intentions to do that. Special conjures a "handicap" as opposed to "different circumstances". Maybe there should be an "Other" option to provide details.
        It is possible to create your own status. Open the manual and do a find on "child status" which will take you to that help section and includes information about creating a status.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          As Bob has mentioned, you can add your own 'Child Status' types. I have added several 'Child Status' types as the ones Reunion supplies by default are verrry limited.

          I have tons of people in my tree who were born before their parents were married. Whereas they were previously illegitimate, the wedding of their parent legitimised their being. Child status: Legitimised. Being born (in Holland) did not automatically mean that you had rights from your parents; if they - the mother and/or the father - did not acknowledge you, you could not claim their inheritance, for example, or gain their permission to marry. Bizarre, I know. Many children had to get their mother or parents to acknowledge their being separately.

          I also find that many Child Statuses can overlap, and although I did not want to go overboard, I have added a clutch of useful (for me) Statuses: Twin/Stillborn, Twin/Died as Child, Twin/Died as Infant, Adopted Twin, etc.

          Who has jurisdiction over a child born out of wedlock cq. registered partnership depends on the prevailing law. In many cases, the rights reserve to the mother. One could create a status 'Out of Wedlock/To Mother' to indicate that the mother is the parent with authority.
          Eric Van Beest
          Spring, TX

          Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk

