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Showing marriages in charts

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    Showing marriages in charts

    I have a problem trying to draw a chart to illustrate the fact that the subject is descended through three different lines from the same source. I want to highlight her ancestors (and leave plain one other line which relates to another person).

    But why, when I select the "Ancestors' of Jo Vance, here does it not also select Eliza Massengale and her family from whom Jo also descends?

    In this case it's quite easy to do in manually - but it might not be. Actually she's also descended from Margaret who married David Franklin Vance - so two brances of her ancestors are not selected and only one is.

    It's very hard to read this chart as it stand and get the full information from it - there's not even a line to indicate the connections - unless I draw one myself.

    Am I missing something here? Can anyone help?

    Attached Files

    Re: Showing marriages in charts

    I don't think there's any clean way to approach the problem here. While I do understand why one might want to do it, part of the difficulty is due to trying show to ancestry on a descendant chart.

    A solution to the issue of trying to select all ancestors for a person when some are in different chart branches is to mark all the ancestors in the family file, and then use the find anything in boxes feature in the chart editor to select all marked people.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Showing marriages in charts

      Originally posted by ttl View Post
      A solution to the issue of trying to select all ancestors for a person when some are in different chart branches is to mark all the ancestors in the family file, and then use the find anything in boxes feature in the chart editor to select all marked people.
      in a Relative chart you mean, Tim!

      I can't imagine why I didn't do it like that in the first place! Thanks for pointing it out!


        Re: Showing marriages in charts

        Originally posted by Barnbarroch View Post
        in a Relative chart you mean, Tim!
        Tim Lundin
        Heartland Family Graphics


          Re: Showing marriages in charts

          Originally posted by ttl View Post
          Not at all Oops! I'm really grateful to you for showing me the way!


            Re: Showing marriages and relationships in charts

            Hi Tim,

            No, I'm still baffled.

            Why, in this relative chart, when I select the ancestors of Gina Bowlby, is Lettice Annesley, her grandmother, not selected?

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              Re: Showing marriages in charts

              Tim is our resident guru on this subject. That said, it appears to me that EITHER you have two family cards for Lettice OR that you cobbled this together somehow. I read it as John Bowlby being her father and Geoffrey & Lettice being her grandparents. Thus, you question is fuzzy to me. Is James Vans related directly to Gina or John?

              BTW... In all of the charts, of many kinds, that I've made with Reunion and several other programs, I have never seen one make a 180 degree turn like yours.
              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                Re: Showing marriages in charts

                Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                Tim is our resident guru on this subject. That said, it appears to me that EITHER you have two family cards for Lettice OR that you cobbled this together somehow. I read it as John Bowlby being her father and Geoffrey & Lettice being her grandparents. Thus, you question is fuzzy to me. Is James Vans related directly to Gina or John?

                BTW... In all of the charts, of many kinds, that I've made with Reunion and several other programs, I have never seen one make a 180 degree turn like yours.
                Bob, I don't see your problem! I marked the ancestors of Gina until I got to my own (James Vans) ancestral lines - one on my father's side, one on my mother's. I marked my own ancestors until I reached our common ancestors on each line.

                I then created a relative chart for Gina using only marked people. Having done that, I expected it to show her grandmother, Lettice, as one of her ancestors - but when you click on 'Select Ancestors' and then on her box, it selects her grandfather and his ancestors but not her grandmother.

                You are quite correct to assume "John Bowlby being her father and Geoffrey & Lettice being her grandparents". Why then, when I ask R10 to select hee ancestral line does it not select the line that runs through her grandmother Lettice?

                I'm not sure why you should "suspect" me of cobbling anything together, it is a chart that shows the actual relationships of two people; I did not invent anything. I don't know what you mean by " a 180 degree turn like yours" - we are cousins on my father's side and on my mother's side. It's not peculiar in the least.

                Last edited by Barnbarroch; 16 April 2015, 04:38 PM. Reason: Additions


                  Re: Showing marriages and relationships in charts

                  Maybe I'm not reading it right, but Lettice Annesley is listed - she shows in the same box as (i.e. the wife of ) Geoffrey Vaux Salvin BOWLBY - as do all the partners of the direct lines.


                  Originally posted by Barnbarroch View Post
                  Hi Tim,

                  No, I'm still baffled.

                  Why, in this relative chart, when I select the ancestors of Gina Bowlby, is Lettice Annesley, her grandmother, not selected?



                    Re: Showing marriages and relationships in charts

                    Originally posted by Barnbarroch View Post
                    Why, in this relative chart, when I select the ancestors of Gina Bowlby, is Lettice Annesley, her grandmother, not selected?
                    Hi Jamie… apologies for the delay in responding; I've been away from my desk for most of the day.

                    I think the issue you're running up against is that the selection mode in the chart editor is more of a chart design/layout tool than an analytic tool. It's rather simple-minded and instead of calculating actual relationships, it simply follows lines and is going to get lost on the way to Gina's grandmother's branch. (To Kaye, I believe Jamie is referring to the box where Lettice is the primary person rather than her husband Geoffrey. I've circled the box in question in the attachment to this post.) If you were to start the relative chart with Gina as source, the box selection engine might get a little less confused with her ancestors.

                    To select all the ancestors in a chart this complex, you're probably always going to be stuck with marking ancestors in the family file and doing the Find Anything in Boxes thing with "Primary person is marked" as the selection criterion.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by ttl; 16 April 2015, 09:56 PM.
                    Tim Lundin
                    Heartland Family Graphics


                      Re: Showing marriages in charts

                      Thanks, Tim,
                      I haven't ever noticed all those 'Find' options and exploited them! RTFM as they say!

                      Still, that doesn't achieve my purpose in showing Gina clearly where her line runs and how it relates to mine; I want to put hers in one colour and mine in another. I quite see that I can do that manually, I just expected it to work automatically!

                      Doing it by hand is OK on this chart. Imagine the (theoretical) chart which would show my mother and father. The last time I was able to calculate their relationship, Reunion gave 1700 results, calculating many obscure cousinships! Now it just crashes at the prospect, indeed it won't do that for Gina and me either, because my two parental lines meet and cross and intertwine so many times over the centuries.

                      I feel a tool that selects ancestors, should do just that, Leister! (I know I've always moaned about your charts, on and off over the years, and they are much better than they used to be.)


