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Cleaning up Places names

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    Cleaning up Places names

    I have well over 6000+ Places of which I am always cleaning up. One of the problems is occasionally there are names with two spaces after the comma before the next name. Is there anyway to create a subsetted list with names that have two spaces or more after a comma?

    "Pleasanton, Alameda, California"


    Re: Cleaning up Places names

    Originally posted by BLH View Post
    I have well over 6000+ Places of which I am always cleaning up. One of the problems is occasionally there are names with two spaces after the comma before the next name. Is there anyway to create a subsetted list with names that have two spaces or more after a comma?

    "Pleasanton, Alameda, California"

    I'm a mite confused - are you looking for Names or names of Places?

    Whichever, you should be able to open the appropriate sidebar and put ,<sp><sp> in the search field at the top. I did this and found some irregularities but oddly enough they were of the form <sp>, so I can't guarantee the result.


      Re: Cleaning up Places names

      I also am confused. Your example is grammatically correct. Based on your example, it appears that you are counting the space after Pleasanton plus the space after Alameda as your two spaces.

      If I am guessing that correctly, you are good as is and can spend your time on research.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Cleaning up Places names

        Originally posted by Bob White View Post
        I also am confused. Your example is grammatically correct. Based on your example, it appears that you are counting the space after Pleasanton plus the space after Alameda as your two spaces.

        If I am guessing that correctly, you are good as is and can spend your time on research.
        With over 26000 places I have come across this from time to time, along with a space before a comma and no commas at all. I simply deal with them as I encounter them.
        I also have double spacing between forenames in some instances.


          Re: Cleaning up Places names

          I am talking about more than one blank space after a comma
          I thought I put multiple spaces after each of those commas in my example.
          If I have Places selected on the left side and if I typed "Pleasanton, Alameda" I would get all locations that have "Pleasanton, Alameda" in the name, regardless of the number of spaces between the comma and the county name. What I am after is if there is a way to bring up all the Place names that have two or more spaces after a comma.

          "Pleasanton, Alameda, CA, USA"

          It isn't a big deal, I just like the idea of cleaning up the names. I currently do it as I run across them but cleaning them all up in one fell swoop would be more satisfactory!

          Thanks - BLH


            Re: Cleaning up Places names

            Originally posted by BLH View Post
            I am talking about more than one blank space after a comma
            I thought I put multiple spaces after each of those commas in my example.
            The spaces you typed are being removed here by the Bulletin Board Software (as are the spaces I've typed). This is usually helpful, here, not so much.

            Can't you just do a find and replace, looking for " " (two spaces) and replacing with " " (one space) in Places?

            Click "Find" in the Navbar (left side of screen)
            Click the "Find and Replace..." button on the resulting screen
            Fill in the form in the window that opens:
            Replace all occurrences of: (put two spaces here)
            With: (put one space here)
            Who: All people
            Where: Places
            How: Any match
            Click the "Replace..." button

            You can repeat that until all the spaces are gone. I suppose it would be wise to make a backup before you do this, just in case something goes horribly wrong.
            Dennis J. Cunniff
            Click here to email me


              Re: Cleaning up Places names

              Thats the ticket. The Find and Replace solved my problem!

              Thank You



                Re: Cleaning up Places names

                Thank you, Dennis. I do exactly that with two newsletters that I proofread each month -- as my first step. The good old "a Mac is not a typewriter" deal. I should have thought of that.
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

