Is it possible to resize a field in Family View? The attached view shows two fields I have in my Family View but I have been unable to shrink them, especially if there are no other spouses or children. Thanks.
Resizing these fields would be done in the Family View Preferences window.
Choose Reunion > Preferences > Family View > Couple.
Under Fields, select "Under the Couple Buttons" -- the two fields you showed in your screenshot can be resized by first selecting the field and then dragging the box at the bottom right of the field.
It looks (from your screenshot) like you are displaying the "Siblings, spouses and children" view. This view will increase the height of resizable fields to use all of the space available. You might find that you have to add more fields to this view to reduce the height of these fields. Or you might find that a different Family View is better suited for you.
Resizing these fields would be done in the Family View Preferences window.
Choose Reunion > Preferences > Family View > Couple.
Under Fields, select "Under the Couple Buttons" -- the two fields you showed in your screenshot can be resized by first selecting the field and then dragging the box at the bottom right of the field.
It looks (from your screenshot) like you are displaying the "Siblings, spouses and children" view. This view will increase the height of resizable fields to use all of the space available. You might find that you have to add more fields to this view to reduce the height of these fields. Or you might find that a different Family View is better suited for you.
Thanks Gregg! I added other spouse and other children to a customized view. I have now dragged the box to be as small as possible. Is there anyway to make these fields conditional such that they will only show up if there is something to display and won't show up if there is no other spouses or children?
Is it possible to resize the height of the children lines in the family view, with children buttons in list ? It needs two lines for date and place. If I remember well, in Reunion 10 we could have these on one line allowing to see more chidren at once.
Thank you.
Maurice Mézière
Reunion 12
MacBook Air 1,6GHz 10.14.6
iMac 24" 3GHz 10.11.6
ReunionTouch on iPad
In the family view layout child settings, if you click on Birth Date or Death Date to select it, you will be given the option to have this field display Date, Place, or Date & Place. The Date & Place option may be selected in your file, and if you change it to the the Date option, this might be the answer to your question.
In the family view layout child settings, if you click on Birth Date or Death Date to select it, you will be given the option to have this field display Date, Place, or Date & Place. The Date & Place option may be selected in your file, and if you change it to the the Date option, this might be the answer to your question.
You are right, I had Date & Place selected for Birth and Death (two columns but two lines).
Selecting 'Birth & Death Dates', 'Birth Place' and 'Death Place' I get the information I want on one line (in three columns, not exactly the way I wish to have them.)
Thanks for your help.
Maurice Mézière
Reunion 12
MacBook Air 1,6GHz 10.14.6
iMac 24" 3GHz 10.11.6
ReunionTouch on iPad