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Codes in Source Usage Report

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    Codes in Source Usage Report

    I've learned that the stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked. So here goes --

    I'm using Reunion 10. Nearly all of my data began in TMG 7 and came to Reunion 9 in 2010 via GEDCOM. in 2013, I moved into Reunion 10, but I've done very limited work in Reunion 10 up to the present. Plenty of work on research and sources in DEVONthink Pro Office, however, in preparation for entry into Reunion.

    My question is re: my Source Usage report. The listing of most of the source entries that began in TMG have codes embedded in them. Every source's line ends in ([Q:3]). There are also [Q:1] and [Q:2] codes scattered throughout.

    I went back to check the same report in Reunion 9 and found what appears to be the same profusion of these blasted things.

    A closer examination of the citations in the Source List (in both R9 and R10) shows lots of @I3@ (that's the upper case letter I) an occasional @R6@ and one or two Q:3s.

    I've assumed these were a result of creating most of these citations in TMG7, but now that they show up in Reunion 10's report, I figure it's time to get educated. My search of Reunion Talk found one reference to a similar problem, but the issue was clean-up more than where these came from.



    Re: Codes in Source Usage Report

    Time to 'fess up -- there may be other TMG ex-pats having this problem some day and who search our forum for answers.

    After posting my question, I realized these codes are from TMG and they appear in the source citations imported into Reunion (both 9 and 10). The "Q" series precede confidence levels in various aspects of information sources. The "@" symbols bracket repository identifications. The light-bulb went on when I opened TMG and looked at the corresponding points in sources as they appeared when closed in 2010.

    Live and learn.


