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Printing large charts

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    Printing large charts

    I'm back to Reunion after a long absence. In 2001, I printed a large family tree for a family reunion using rolled paper on an Epson printer. I remember having to move boxes and photos around some to make it all work.

    Now, in Reunion 11 the nearest thing I see is a 'chart' called 'relatives' and it creates a chart with only two or three boxes to a page.

    So, I'm wondering what people are doing nowadays to print a chart with Photos that may be very long. If I remember correctly I was also able to add image boxes to the chart freely.

    Say for paper 17" by 10, 20 ft long or more.

    Re: Printing large charts

    I'm trying to picture what you're describing but I'm coming up short. If you click on Charts in the Nav Bar, you should see a pane that allows you to choose from the same charts that would have been available in the Create menu in versions 8 and earlier. Are you not seeing these options?
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Printing large charts

      yes I have the options and yes it builds a chart but it is laid out in such a way that I would have to move every single item to make it work. It doesn't seem to be able to adapt to very large or roll paper. You can change what fields appear on the chart, but not the page size until after the chart is created. Then when you change to a very large page size it doesn't have the smarts to reposition the boxes intelligently.


        Re: Printing large charts

        Originally posted by fross View Post
        I'm back to Reunion after a long absence. In 2001, I printed a large family tree for a family reunion using rolled paper on an Epson printer...Now, in Reunion 11 the nearest thing I see is a 'chart' called 'relatives'... If I remember correctly I was also able to add image boxes to the chart freely...
        Sounds like you may be describing a long descendant chart in the waterfall orientation.

        Any chart that you could create in 2001 (with Reunion 7), you can certainly create in 2015 with Reunion 11. With unusual page sizes, it's usually just a matter of using File > Page Setup so that Reunion knows what to deal with.

        If you have an older chart file, or even a picture of an older chart file, send it to and we can give you tips about recreating the chart in Reunion 11.
        Frank Leister
        Leister Productions Inc.

