I have been dickering with the Report/Book/Register capability. I am looking to create a book that consists of multiple register reports each beginning with a treetop. I have prepared some test "treetop register reports" and combined the PDFs in a single reunionbook file.
The problem with this is that the page numbers are for individual PDFs, and sections like surnames, sources, and indexes do not combine. I can turn off the over-arching page numbers but then I might as well just distribute as a collection of PDFs.
Is there a way to combine the reunionbook files and regenerate the ancillary sections? Better still is there a way to designate multiple treetops as sections?
Thanks for any ideas.
The problem with this is that the page numbers are for individual PDFs, and sections like surnames, sources, and indexes do not combine. I can turn off the over-arching page numbers but then I might as well just distribute as a collection of PDFs.
Is there a way to combine the reunionbook files and regenerate the ancillary sections? Better still is there a way to designate multiple treetops as sections?
Thanks for any ideas.