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Switching cousins and their families

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    Switching cousins and their families


    I have cousins in my tree, same name, very close in age, that I seem to have mixed up once they left home. I now have wives, children, misc notes for both. How to I switch these cousins, their families and all the info? I tried to move one cousin to the clipboard but his wife and family remained. I was hesitant to carry on in case I deleted something. Do I need to do each individually?


    Re: Switching cousins and their families


    I managed to do it myself. There may be a better way, and if so I'd still like to know, but I ended up keeping the cousins in place and moved their wives and children to the clipboard (after writing down which children belonged to which cousin) then back again to the correct cousin.



      Re: Switching cousins and their families

      Originally posted by Achra View Post

      I managed to do it myself. There may be a better way, and if so I'd still like to know, but I ended up keeping the cousins in place and moved their wives and children to the clipboard (after writing down which children belonged to which cousin) then back again to the correct cousin.

      I presume the quickest way would be to drag the two individuals from their 'false' parents to the Clipboard and then relink them to their correct parents; which should also take their linked spouse(s), in-laws, descendants etc. That would still leave you with the issue of re-entering/editing key events prior to them leaving their birth families, but you would at least have the correct family structures to work with, which might be the greater part of the problem.

      Last edited by mjashby; 14 October 2015, 03:42 PM.


        Re: Switching cousins and their families

        Thanks for the reply, Mervyn.

        So when moving an individual to the clipboard the spouse and children remain behind, but once that individual is moved to a family, the rest follow? I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly in case I have to do it again another time.

        It wasn't really a lot of work to do it the way I did, I was just worried I might lose some info.



          Re: Switching cousins and their families

          I think you can move them directly without using the clipboard. Show the parents of cousin A. Drag Cousin A from the list of individuals to the children area of the family. It will ask you if you want to move or add - select move. Then do the same for cousin B.

          Do a backup first.

