I have a large, old tree, 2500+ entries generated from a very old version of Generations that the Leister folks converted for me. I've been updating the tree using version 10, and maybe 9 before that, but now is the first time I'm trying to generate a serious web report.
The key is that I don't want any details of living people. I'd really prefer to not show children or grandkids of living people, but lets defer that for later when I have the basics working.
I have three flags that I used in the past. "Living" "dead" and "publishable"
Of course this is mostly redundant, just Living Yes/No would be sufficient. The other two are there in case it helps.
From the documentation it seems that the "privacy filtering" is based on "marked" but I am unclear on what marked means.
What I have done, without success, is use Find to select "Dead", mark everyone in the list, and then run the report for "families with marked spouse". This fails completely. It creates a website with family pages for each couple, with everyone in the tree "living" with data supressed.
What am I doing, wrong? What does privacy filtering really do?
The key is that I don't want any details of living people. I'd really prefer to not show children or grandkids of living people, but lets defer that for later when I have the basics working.
I have three flags that I used in the past. "Living" "dead" and "publishable"
Of course this is mostly redundant, just Living Yes/No would be sufficient. The other two are there in case it helps.
From the documentation it seems that the "privacy filtering" is based on "marked" but I am unclear on what marked means.
What I have done, without success, is use Find to select "Dead", mark everyone in the list, and then run the report for "families with marked spouse". This fails completely. It creates a website with family pages for each couple, with everyone in the tree "living" with data supressed.
What am I doing, wrong? What does privacy filtering really do?