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"best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file

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    "best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file

    I've found a cousin who has done a lot of research building her family's tree/history. We share a common grandfather, so there are a lot of folks in both her and my file.

    What is the smartest way to pull her data in?

    I'd like to not only keep all her sources, but also be able to annotate the citation giving her credit. Say she has Uncle Bob cited to the 1910 US Census in Douglas County Nebraska.
    I'd like to have the source citation say "cousin Susie found 1910 US Census in Douglas County Nebraska" or something similar to give her the credit her work deserves

    Re: "best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file

    If it is pretty small, manual entry works. Otherwise, what I have usually done is to import the GEDCOM file into a new separate Reunion file. Then I do a fair amount of examining what I received. Finally, usually, in recent years, I have used Reunion's Match & Merge function.

    I have no claim about this being a "best" way; it's just what works for me. Whatever you do, just take your time.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Re: "best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file

      OK, so far, I've marked interesting folks in the cousin's FROM file into a new file, of Possible kin.

      I would like to mark a common source for all of these people, "From Gedcom from cousin XYZ" Is there a simple way to do this?


        Re: "best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file

        After you select a GEDCOM file to import, the first dialog window has a setting for Automatic Source which allows you to select or create a source which will be automatically applied as a general source to each person imported. This happens during the import.
        Tim Lundin
        Heartland Family Graphics


          Re: "best" approach to merge a cousin's GEDCOM file


