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Merging sources

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    Merging sources

    Either something about the "Match and Merge Sources" option in the "Source Tools" menu isn't working, or I'm doing something wrong (equally possible).

    I have a tree with over 250 sources, and over thirty of them are duplicated one or two times -- i.e., the same source citation occurs more than once in the list of sources. (Never mind why.)

    I hit command-S to bring up the Sources window, then choose "Match and Merge Sources" from the menu that pops up from the hammer icon.

    In the "Criteria for a match..." window, I make sure that it says that the first 150 characters must match.

    This gives me a match-and-merge window in which I ensure that all the matches are correct.

    I hit "Merge All". All the sources in the bottom part of the window go away, presumably merged with their counterparts in the top part of the window.

    I hit "Save..."

    I get the dialog box warning me that "this will permanently apply the changes you have made in the Merge window." I hit "Proceed."

    And here's what I don't understand: The "Merge Sources" window _stays in front_, with no way (as far as I can tell) to dismiss it except to hit "Cancel."

    And when I hit "Cancel", all my merges are undone, and I'm back to having a sources list with over 32 of the sources duplicated one or two times.

    What am I missing? This can't be right.

    Re: Merging sources

    It appears that this problem happens only when "match and merge sources" is chosen from the menu that pops up from the hammer-shaped icon in the lower-left corner of the Sources window. If I choose "match and merge sources" from Reunion's "File" menu, it behaves as one would expect.

