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Book setup: sentence structure

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    Book setup: sentence structure

    I'm fairly new to Reunion, so please bear with me. Is there some way to set up a book report to produce proper sentences or to better edit how those sentences will appear?
    Instead of "Was on the census..." I would prefer to see "He (or she) was on the census...".
    Instead of "Religion: Roman Catholic" why not "She was Roman Catholic"?.
    Does anyone ever say "(He) was third married"? Maybe it reads better in another language.
    Also, how do you get an Occupation event to read "He was a (occupation) in (place) in (year), or on (date)? I've looked through the field preferences but the options appear very limited. Is there some way to edit those preferences? And how do you get that event to appear in a book report?

    Re: Book setup: sentence structure

    Have you been exploring the settings under Fields? I´m attaching a screen shot from the norwegian version of Reunion. Please notice that the sample text does not match the one that shows up in the report. So you have to test to see what matches the syntax you want. I tested a lot until I found my way to do this - and I´m very close to good reports now. Good luck!
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      Re: Book setup: sentence structure

      Hi Randi,
      Can you please tell me how you would get to this screen in the English version? Thank you in advance.


        Re: Book setup: sentence structure

        Originally posted by Linda1710 View Post
        Hi Randi,
        Can you please tell me how you would get to this screen in the English version? Thank you in advance.
        Reunion Prefs >> Fields

        By the way, "second married," "third married," etc... is very standard with both old time hand written genealogy reports and modern software generated reports. I'm not disagreeing with you; just saying...
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: Book setup: sentence structure

          Originally posted by Ed Allard View Post
          Instead of "Was on the census..." I would prefer to see "He (or she) was on the census...".
          As the others have pointed out, you need to edit the fields. For your example, you want "Sex Verb Place Date" as the arrangement...
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          Dennis J. Cunniff
          Click here to email me

