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Green border on child box--no contextual menus

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    Green border on child box--no contextual menus

    I don't know what I did, but I have an entry (I'm putting the name here so I can remember it--James Allen Levin) that shows up with a green border around it in the family view. I figure that this must be the result of a child status tag, but when I right-click on the box it does nothing (unlike all other people where it brings up a contextual menu). Otherwise there are no problems that I can find with the entry. Any ideas?



    Re: Green border on child box--no contextual menus

    Hi Richard,

    ...when I right-click on the box it does nothing...
    What happens if you click the down-pointing triangle at top-right of the name button? Does that bring up the Person Menu?

    If not, we'd be interested in taking a look at the file here, if you're willing to send it. For details on how to send the file, please see this FAQ. Please be sure to include details on the problematic entry (name, birth date, person ID #, etc.).

    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Re: Green border on child box--no contextual menus

      Originally posted by Mark View Post
      What happens if you click the down-pointing triangle at top-right of the name button? Does that bring up the Person Menu?
      Nothing happens when I click the arrow in the top-right corner either (I tried all of the different click types: option-click, command-click, shift-click, even fn-click). I will send the file to you.



        Re: Green border on child box--no contextual menus

        How about click and hold for a second? You did not mention that one. Some older hardware and older OS sometimes need that tiny bit of TLC to get a result.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

