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Orphaned files in media folder

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    Orphaned files in media folder

    Hi - I have just moved across to Reunion 11 having used FTM since it's launch. My move has been prompted by the so called Family Tree Gate mess associated with the launch (or not) of the latest version and the split between Ancestry and the software provider. Having used Reunion for short while now I wish I had done it a long time ago. Very impressed.

    My question is this. Due partly to errors on my part over the years and I suspect cataloguing and the file conversions by FTM I can see many orphaned images in the media folder. By that I mean images not linked to any individual or event. Some are where FTM has added a file extension to the image presumably when it's been upgraded after a software update so dad.jpg will be dad1.jpg.

    Is there are way within Reunion that I can identify which ones are linked in order that I can transfer those not in use to a separate folder and work through them saving those I require.

    If it's not within Reunion any suggestions on how I could do this?


    Re: Orphaned files in media folder

    If you select Reports in the Navbar on the left, and then choose Multimedia Usage at the bottom of the list in the Reports pane, you should get what I think you're asking for. It'll require some sifting, but the info is there.

    As a side comment, the report will show files that are linked, and files that have a link that's been broken.
    Last edited by ttl; 14 April 2017, 10:39 AM.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Orphaned files in media folder

      Thanks - I think I can work something from that report.


