Not exactly what you ask, but as a workaround for viewing and changing the memo's.
Find - Conditions
Birth memo - Is Not - leave this empty (up to 4 conditions)
You find the results in the SideBar, click on 'List Window' icon and change the column to Birth memo.
You can make changes in this column. This can only be done if the General Prefs - List Behaviour is set to 'Enable editing in lists'.
Not exactly what you ask, but as a workaround for viewing and changing the memo's.
Find - Conditions
Birth memo - Is Not - leave this empty (up to 4 conditions)
You find the results in the SideBar, click on 'List Window' icon and change the column to Birth memo.
You can make changes in this column. This can only be done if the General Prefs - List Behaviour is set to 'Enable editing in lists'.