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Upgrading Family Files

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    Upgrading Family Files

    I've downloaded Reunion 10, and upgraded family files from Reunion 9.
    A son's "relationship" says "Source" instead of "Brother."
    How can this be corrected, or am I misunderstanding how this works? Thank you.

    Re: Upgrading Family Files

    I haven't used Reunion 10 yet, but I would imagine that you just reset the source by navigating to your own card and recalculating Relationships with you as the Source.

    At least, that's the way it's always been done whenever you want to change who the relationships are shown as relative to.

    It is too bad that upgrading files seems not to preserve the current source person.
    My Home Page:


      Re: Upgrading Family Files

      Originally posted by Angela Trovato Nesmith View Post
      I've downloaded Reunion 10, and upgraded family files from Reunion 9.
      A son's "relationship" says "Source" instead of "Brother."
      How can this be corrected, or am I misunderstanding how this works? Thank you.
      Right click or control click in the box containing the the person's name for whomever you want to be the Source Person. In the resulting popup menu, choose Find Relatives. That person becomes the new Source Person for your entire family file. Look in the manual for other ways to do this; this method is the fastest.

      Another new trick: To find the relationship between any two people in your family file, go to the Find window. From the names on the right sidebar, drag one name to Person 1 and the other name to Person 2, then click the Find Relationship button. You will be rewarded with the relationship plus information on common ancestors and the ability to create an ad hoc chart that displays the relationship. Wow! Huh?
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Upgrading Family Files

        Originally posted by Angela Trovato Nesmith View Post
        A son's "relationship" says "Source" instead of "Brother."
        The source person for the relationship calculation is not supposed to be getting changed or reset during the upgrade. From what we have seen, this is not happening in most cases -- however, we've now had a few reports of this and will address it in the next update very shortly.

        The remedy is to simply recalculate relationships for the desired source person. This can be done several ways...

        1. Click the popup menu arrow on a person's button and choose "Find Relatives."

        2. Drag and drop a person onto the Relatives button located near the bottom of the navbar on the left.

        3. Drag and drop a person onto the Relatives List when it is displayed in the sidebar on the right.

        I hope this helps.
        Gregg Witmer
        Leister Productions, Inc.


          Re: Upgrading Family Files

          I downloaded 10 today and upgraded a small (less than 10)people family file. It looked OK I guess but that will take some getting used to.
          Next I tried to upgrade my large family file (over 800 entries). I get a frozen screen after clicking upgrade.

          Since Leister doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday I now have no way to get anything done this week end. Any body want to take a crack at this?
          Last edited by Frank; 12 May 2012, 05:06 PM.
          Delbert Curlin
          Reunion 10.0.6 OS X 10.9.2 iphone 3GS
          Searching Curlin, White, McClish,Buckner


            Re: Upgrading Family Files

            Originally posted by DelbertCurlin View Post
            ...Since Leister doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday I now have no way to get anything done this week end. Any body want to take a crack at this?
            Since you have not completed the update of your Reunion 9 family file to Reunion 10 and then made changes to your R10 version of your data, there is no reason why you cannot continue your work using the Reunion 9 version of your family file for the time being.
            Byron Spoon


              Re: Upgrading Family Files


              As Byron noted, you can continue to work on the Family File in Reunion 9 -- when you upgrade a Family File, Reunion 10 creates a new file containing the same data, modified to match the new format. So your old Reunion 9 file is still intact.

              E-mail us ( your R9 Family File when you're done working on it for the weekend - we'll take a look at it and see what can be done to fix it.
              Mark Harrison
              Leister Productions, Inc.


                Re: Upgrading Family Files

                My thanks to Byron. That got me thru to Monday. Then Mark asked for the Family File and converted it for me (How? I don't know. Don't need to) and now it works fine. Mark and his compadres got me running. But it's going to take this old man (79 on 25 May) a while to digest all the changed looks , etc., - WOW!
                Delbert Curlin
                Reunion 10.0.6 OS X 10.9.2 iphone 3GS
                Searching Curlin, White, McClish,Buckner


                  Re: Upgrading Family Files

                  Congrats on being "up and running". They say using your brain keeps you young!
                  My Home Page:


                    Re: Upgrading Family Files

                    Thanks are due to both Bob White and Gregg for addressing the change in source person that I had found in my upgraded file. It was a very easy fix. (And I am saved from needing to post a new query.)

                    Thank you again for the help.

