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Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

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    Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

    I cannot find the input screen for adding or editing a person mailing address.

    The button CONTACT give me a list that is not searchable.

    When clicking on one entry, I got to the screen but I cannot duplicate it.
    Alain Farhi

    Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

    Originally posted by AlainFarhi View Post
    ...the input screen for adding or editing a person mailing address.
    Choose Edit -> Contact Info from Reunion's main menubar.
    Gregg Witmer
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

      The new Contact Info method has me stumped.

      Initially I couldn't find where the old contact details had disappeared to. Eventually I found the Contact Info side bar, though that doesn't seem to have any readily identifiable link to the Family View I have open. For instance, if I inadvertently click on a name in the Contact Info side bar, Reunion takes me to that contact's Family View, which I don't want. Also, the only way I seem to be able to identify the Contact Info I want to edit, I need to manually scroll, and they're not in surname order (I understand why that is, but it doesn't help).

      I then found that whilst in a Family View, there is the menu option Edit > Contact Info, however when I try to do so, I get a beep. How come I get a beep?

      (As a suggestion, a right-click on any person or family should include the option to edit contact info.)


        Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

        I thought that I tried this during beta testing and, being that there was no problem detected, I went on to something else. In R9 and earlier, I never bothered with contacts/addresses because it didn't synch with the iCal address book AND I didn't want to maintain multiple address listings.

        Currently, I have tried both entering by hand and by dragging a VCF file to the person. Looking at the Edit>Contact Info, they are recorded. BUT.. I cannot get the information to display. Perhaps I am expecting it in the wrong place since I am presuming that the address info would display in the Contacts list on the right. Advice will be appreciated.

        P.S. If this doesn't actively synch, I still won't be using it for the same reason but we need to make sure it is working.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

          It's working correct.
          For your convenience add the address from your Addressbook to a marked person.
          Contacts contact sidebar -> (gearwheel) choose Marked persons and Update
          Perhaps your settings (in the popup ,menu) were not correct or did not update
          Frans van Bodegom
          Reunion NL Support Team


            Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

            Originally posted by fjvanbodegom View Post
            It's working correct.
            For your convenience add the address from your Addressbook to a marked person.
            Contacts contact sidebar -> (gearwheel) choose Marked persons and Update
            Perhaps your settings (in the popup ,menu) were not correct or did not update
            That worked. And I found the settings.... However, I do not like this implementation. At the same time, I'm certain that Leister has its reasons for doing it this way.

            In the right bar, all I see is the name and the first 8 - 10 characters of the street address. To see the entire contact info, one has to double click the contact entry. Whoopee!

            In my estimation, if I am in the Family View and if I choose to show Contacts in the List area, I should see the contact information for anyone who is showing in the main work area -- automatically without any conditions about being marked or anything else. Instead of a "marked" checkmark, I would show the name and then implement a triangle expander that, when clicked, would cause the contact info to display in the List area. No conditions; just show the data.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

              Originally posted by Bob White View Post
              That worked. And I found the settings.... However, I do not like this implementation. At the same time, I'm certain that Leister has its reasons for doing it this way.

              In the right bar, all I see is the name and the first 8 - 10 characters of the street address. To see the entire contact info, one has to double click the contact entry. Whoopee!

              In my estimation, if I am in the Family View and if I choose to show Contacts in the List area, I should see the contact information for anyone who is showing in the main work area -- automatically without any conditions about being marked or anything else. Instead of a "marked" checkmark, I would show the name and then implement a triangle expander that, when clicked, would cause the contact info to display in the List area. No conditions; just show the data.
              Hello Bob. Like you, I was puzzled about where individual address links had gone for family records, but this was clearly explained in the built-in user manual. Now that I'm used to the v10 way of handling addresses I'm seeing big advantages in the sidebar display of contacts. Similarly to the sidebar place list, the new feature has enabled me to quickly see and correct numerous mistakes that have accumulated over years.


                Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

                I'm still a little confused about addresses.. After searching these threads.. I discovered that I can go to Edit/contact info.. add email address as a field and enter an email address here, but this seems kind of hidden. Im confused why clicking on the Contacts button in the sidebar panel doesn't seem to show the email addresses. If I have information I'd like to send as a group via email, or if i want to send a letter to someone to their address, I was hoping to find a list, or see the addresses under the contact button on the sidebar.

                I'm obviously a little confused about the function of the contact button in the side bar. Can someone explain again the best way to enter home and email addresses and where they show up so they can be used to send information?



                  Re: Where is the input Screen for Mailing Addresses

                  ...a little confused about the function of the contact button in the side bar...
                  The Contacts sidebar is designed to show a list of people and couples who have contact information, and make it easy to navigate to and edit contact information for people in the list.

                  The Contacts sidebar includes only people and couples who have contact information entered.

                  For more info, click Contacts in the Sidebar list and then choose Help -> Sidebar: Contacts.
                  Frank Leister
                  Leister Productions Inc.

