I'm looking for input from those who have already addressed this.
For places, I try to use a standard format: city, county, state, country; or at least as close to this as I can for each place. If information is missing, I leave a blank where it should be. So, for instance, if I don't know the city, I type , Cherokee, Georgia, USA.
My question relates to independent cities. I have a few (Richmond, Virginia, for one) that is an Independent City, that is it does not belong to a county. So I enter Richmond, , Virginia, USA. And several months later, I look at my places and discover that I have failed to enter a county for Richmond. Look it up and find that there is no county. No big deal. What I'd like to do is enter something to indicate that there is no county, to distinguish this case from the cases where I simply have not looked up the county yet.
My first thought is Richmond, [IC], Virginia, USA, but I just wondered if anyone else has addressed this.
-----===== Bill =====-----
For places, I try to use a standard format: city, county, state, country; or at least as close to this as I can for each place. If information is missing, I leave a blank where it should be. So, for instance, if I don't know the city, I type , Cherokee, Georgia, USA.
My question relates to independent cities. I have a few (Richmond, Virginia, for one) that is an Independent City, that is it does not belong to a county. So I enter Richmond, , Virginia, USA. And several months later, I look at my places and discover that I have failed to enter a county for Richmond. Look it up and find that there is no county. No big deal. What I'd like to do is enter something to indicate that there is no county, to distinguish this case from the cases where I simply have not looked up the county yet.
My first thought is Richmond, [IC], Virginia, USA, but I just wondered if anyone else has addressed this.
-----===== Bill =====-----