I decided to replace all instances of County in my place fields with Co. So, I went to the Find and Replace section of the Find area and set it to find any match in the Places field. I clicked replace and after a bit, a progress bar came up and got to about 1/4 of the way across then appeared to stall. I let it run (overnight) thinking that, with almost 9,000 people in my database, there were lots of places to be changed. This morning, it was exactly at the same place. BTW, there was NO "Application Not Responding" notice in the Dock icon for Reunion but it was definitely stalled. I force quit Reunion, opened it again and checked my Places. About 1 out of every 4 or 5 places had been changed from County to Co., very randomly. I tried the same process with different options selected (whole words, etc.) but could never get it to work ..... I would get the spinning gear, which stopped spinning after a second or two, but NO progress bar and no results of any kind.
I know I can make these changes individually in the Places sidebar, but, wow, that's a lot of work, LOL. Shouldn't the Find/Replace be doing that work for me? Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug here?
I know I can make these changes individually in the Places sidebar, but, wow, that's a lot of work, LOL. Shouldn't the Find/Replace be doing that work for me? Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug here?