1 - What criteria is Reunion using when searching for a place?
For example I have
Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland
as a place. When I click "Geo Code" it puts the pin about in the middle of Scotland, since all that was returned is "Scotland". The problem is the "Berwickshire" part of it - if I remove that then Coldingham, Scotland is found right away by Reunion.
But if I use http://maps.google.com/ and search for the same string it is found right on the town of Coldingham. So it would seem that the search isn't being done the same way from within Reunion as it is when using maps.google.com ?
2 - can the place that is being searched for be "editable" in the geocode window so that I can alter the string being passed to Google maps to search for - eg
if Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland doesn't work, while still with the map showing, let me change the search string to say "Coldingham, Scotland" and have that found, then save that location back to the full place name.
Improvements R Us Roger :-)
For example I have
Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland
as a place. When I click "Geo Code" it puts the pin about in the middle of Scotland, since all that was returned is "Scotland". The problem is the "Berwickshire" part of it - if I remove that then Coldingham, Scotland is found right away by Reunion.
But if I use http://maps.google.com/ and search for the same string it is found right on the town of Coldingham. So it would seem that the search isn't being done the same way from within Reunion as it is when using maps.google.com ?
2 - can the place that is being searched for be "editable" in the geocode window so that I can alter the string being passed to Google maps to search for - eg
if Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland doesn't work, while still with the map showing, let me change the search string to say "Coldingham, Scotland" and have that found, then save that location back to the full place name.
Improvements R Us Roger :-)