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Places Merges

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    Places Merges

    I have worked diligently for about an hour and a half merging lots of different places. I have what I think is a large database, 95,000 individuals. I had over 17,000 places and was able to merge 1,000 of them without flaws. When I got to one of the larger merges, 7,500 places (Knox Co, Ky) were going to be merged into another place (Knox County, Kentucky). When I click change both places disappeared from my sidebar. I could not find where Knox County, Kentucky went to. I look in my Family View at individuals that should have had Knox County, Kentucky listed and instead they have [[pt:1]] in its place.

    I just down loaded Reunion 10 this evening and was going full throttle at 'fixing' stuff.

    I believe that all merges worked fine until I hit this large one. At which point I also quit reunion and opened it back up still shows [[pt:1]] I then opened up 9 to make sure I was checking folks that should be Knox County, Kentucky and I was.

    Any help or do I have to start over again?

    I'm not a 'techie' person to explain much but I'm using Reunion 10.0.2 and Mac OS X 10.6.8
    Last edited by Frank; 09 June 2012, 02:29 PM.

    Re: Places Merges

    It sounds like Reunion lost track of the place that you were merging at the time.

    Please send us a copy of your Reunion 10 and your Reunion 9 family file. We will figure out what went wrong and get the file back to you.
    Gregg Witmer
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Re: Places Merges


      Thanks. I just uploaded a new file. I only uploaded 10 yesterday so was cleaning up stuff and I just reloaded 9 again and started over. I'm going to merge the places again today if I have the same issues I will get back with you.

      Thank you!


        Re: Places Merges


        Just for the fun of it I made a back up file and did the same thing over again and got the same response. I agree that Reunion lost track of what it was doing but this also tells me that there is some sort of number where Reunion will lose track. I can send you a copy of my file and tell you exactly what I am doing if that will help you to find the error.

        Cassy Sommers


          Re: Places Merges

          Yes, that would be very helpful.

          Gregg Witmer
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Re: Places Merges


            I think I'm stuck on sending you the file. I have zipped the file and it is 81.4 MB and my e-mail won't let me send it. Is there another way to make the file smaller?

            Sorry, my husband is the techie and he has moved across the country from me!



              Re: Places Merges

              Originally posted by foe3643 View Post
              I have zipped the file and it is 81.4 MB and my e-mail won't let me send it. Is there another way to make the file smaller?
              Can you send us just your Reunion 9 family file, rather than both files. We can upgrade it to version 10.
              Gregg Witmer
              Leister Productions, Inc.


                Re: Places Merges

                When I try to send Reunion 9 it is 86.9 MB still won't send it is to big.
                I tried to send as a GED but it was still 32 MB and to big to send.

                I uploaded the family file to my rootsweb free account and sent an e-mail with the issues and the link to the web site.




                  Re: Places Merges

                  Originally posted by foe3643 View Post
                  When I try to send Reunion 9 it is 86.9 MB still won't send it is to big.
                  I tried to send as a GED but it was still 32 MB and to big to send.

                  I uploaded the family file to my rootsweb free account and sent an e-mail with the issues and the link to the web site.


                  Have a look here Cassy -
                  iMac 27", OS X 10.11.3, iPad gen 3, iPhone 5s, Reunion 11


                    Re: Places Merges

                    Originally posted by foe3643 View Post
                    instead they have [[pt:1]] in its place.
                    I appear to have encountered a very similar situation, and since this thread does not currently end with a resolution, perhaps my case will shed some further light on this apparent bug.

                    I was following the procedure for merging two place names. After the merge completed, one of the events which had been using the old version of the name now had, instead of the new place name, the text: "[[pt:1527]]" which makes no sense and does not resemble any other text I can recall seeing in my database. The event affected belongs to the person I was currently editing. The other people in the family who had this same event (census) in their record, have the correct text for the new version of the place name. Only the event for the person I was editing received this bizarre text string. I was able to recreate this problem by making a copy of a prior backup of the database and repeating the procedure. Part of the original procedure involved adding a new census event to the person in question and entering the new version of the place name for that event. It was then when I realized the previous census event for this person had a different version of the place name and I wanted it to be replaced by my new place name. While still viewing the Events window for the person, I opened the List Window of the place name list to perform the merge. In the Search field I entered the name "delhi" to narrow the list of names. The old place name was "Delhi Twp., Ingham Co., MI" and the new version was "Delhi Twp., Ingham Co., Michigan, United States". Dragging the old over the new showed that there were 6 other uses of the old name which would be affected by the change. After clicking the Change button, the erroneuous data appeared in the one event that the person being edited had which had contained the old version of the place name. The other 5 instances were changed correctly. If it makes any difference, my database is one that was converted from v9 to v10. My current version is 10.0.6, and Mac OS X is 10.8.3.
                    Bruce Winton Christopher
                    Environment: Reunion 14 build 240614; macOS 10.15.7


                      Re: Places Merges

                      Good news: the support team at Leister Productions has been able to duplicate the error I reported and they plan to create a fix for it in the next incremental update of Reunion 10.
                      Bruce Winton Christopher
                      Environment: Reunion 14 build 240614; macOS 10.15.7


                        Re: Places Merges

                        Originally posted by Bruce Christopher View Post
                        Good news: the support team at Leister Productions has been able to duplicate the error I reported and they plan to create a fix for it in the next incremental update of Reunion 10.
                        Thanks, Bruce. This is good news as this has happened to me, too...several times but not all the time. I was thinking that I would wait for the next time it happened, take a screenshot & send it to Leister. Now, will wait for the update to see if it works for me.
                        Kaye Mushalik
                        -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
                        -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
                        -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


                          Re: Places Merges

                          Originally posted by Bruce Christopher View Post
                          Good news: the support team at Leister Productions has been able to duplicate the error I reported and they plan to create a fix for it in the next incremental update of Reunion 10.
                          There is no context with this message. While you and Kay know what you are talking about, I imagine that I am not alone in wondering what kind of error you reported. Either a summary here or your posting to the original string (if there was one) would help the rest of us.
                          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                            Re: Places Merges

                            Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                            There is no context with this message. While you and Kay know what you are talking about, I imagine that I am not alone in wondering what kind of error you reported. Either a summary here or your posting to the original string (if there was one) would help the rest of us.
                            Seems to me all the context you need is 4 posts above this one?!

                            Roger Moffat


                              Re: Places Merges

                              Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                              There is no context with this message. While you and Kay know what you are talking about, I imagine that I am not alone in wondering what kind of error you reported. Either a summary here or your posting to the original string (if there was one) would help the rest of us.
                              Hi Bob,
                              Using Reunion 10 > Places Merges
                              Here are the posts that explain the problem:
                              Post 1 - Jun 8, 2012 from foe3643
                              Post 10 - Jun 1, 2013 from Bruce Christopher

                              Hmm, are you seeing the posts in the digest? If so, you might want to come to the main forum when you have a question about a post. Those of us who do use the full string do tend to assume everyone can see the previous posts.
                              Last edited by kmgenealogy; 17 June 2013, 07:33 AM.
                              Kaye Mushalik
                              -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
                              -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
                              -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0

