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Curious Batch Entry Dialog Box

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    Curious Batch Entry Dialog Box

    Has anyone encountered this in 10.0.3? (I believe it disappeared in 10.0.2) Here's the sequence: --Prepare to make a new entry for Joseph DOE. Pull up a List-People for DOE. No Joseph, although there are 6 DOES listed, two of whom are check-marked relations. --Make new entry for him. --Next action is a Batch Entry for children of Joseph and his wife. First entry is Jane. --Dialog box pops up, saying something like "Zola Sarah DOE born before parents' marriage." Zola Sarah is unrelated to this entry (born almost two centuries later), although she also a check-marked relation. She appears to be the oldest check-marked DOE relation. A minor annoyance, because the dialog box can be ignored after clicking to make it go away, but it would be nice if this could be fixed. Joseph DOE no relation to source person although wife is.

    Re: Curious Batch Entry Dialog Box

    I've had the same issue when adding new people as spouses of existing individuals. They have no parents listed, and are linked only to their spouse, yet I still get the "born before parent's marriage" dialogue box.


      Re: Curious Batch Entry Dialog Box

      We are looking into a fix for this issue.
      Mark Harrison
      Leister Productions, Inc.


        Re: Curious Batch Entry Dialog Box

        Thank you, Mark.

