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Using new website

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    Using new website

    I'm having trouble getting my Reunion files to attach into my website:
    The first page is fine and so are the links to Surnames, Index, etc. They show the trees background that should show behind every file. But they do NOT show beyond wc01/wc01_001.html. Some files say the file is not found.

    I have reinstalled the files over and over and it takes about 3 hours each time. I have hit Command R many tines and still it doesn't change. I'm using FatCow as the web host.

    Is any one else having similar problems?

    Last edited by Janet Mobley; 12 July 2012, 08:17 PM.
    Janet Mobley, Petaluma, CA:

    Re: Using new website

    I am able to get files in wc05 to show up, but not wc06.

    How are you uploading these - what software?

    When you view the site by whatever software you're using to upload the files, do all the folders seem to be there?

    Have you tried uploading them a few at a time - instead of all at once.

    Since it seems that wc05 is complete up to wc05_466 start off with the wc06 folder for example.

    Roger Moffat


      Re: Using new website

      Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
      I am able to get files in wc05 to show up, but not wc06.

      How are you uploading these - what software?

      When you view the site by whatever software you're using to upload the files, do all the folders seem to be there?

      Have you tried uploading them a few at a time - instead of all at once.

      Since it seems that wc05 is complete up to wc05_466 start off with the wc06 folder for example.

      Hi Roger,

      I'm using FileZilla and spent yesterday taking the site down and reinstalling it. I will spend today on the phone with Fatcow and see if I can get it straightened out. I install 3 folders at a time so it takes all day. None of the Surnames, Home Cards, Index nor Sources show up. They all go to the "Not found" page.
      Fatcow does not have Mac help nor does my ISP for websites.
      Tomorrow I will call Leister to get help in changing my website name under my name, that is, if I can get it going properly. Or if I can't get it going, I will cancel the whole thing. Gurrrrr.

      Janet Mobley, Petaluma, CA:


        Re: Using new website

        Originally posted by Janet Mobley View Post
        Hi Roger,

        I'm using FileZilla and spent yesterday taking the site down and reinstalling it. I will spend today on the phone with Fatcow and see if I can get it straightened out. I install 3 folders at a time so it takes all day. None of the Surnames, Home Cards, Index nor Sources show up. They all go to the "Not found" page.
        Fatcow does not have Mac help nor does my ISP for websites.
        Tomorrow I will call Leister to get help in changing my website name under my name, that is, if I can get it going properly. Or if I can't get it going, I will cancel the whole thing. Gurrrrr.


        Well superficially at least, your problem seems to be with the main index page - it is hard wired to point to pages on your now defunct MobileMe web page.

        The main index page of your site is here

        You should probably change the Reunion settings so that the index page is called index.htm and then it will be the page that loads automatically when someone goes to

        Your list of surnames is here

        The "Home Card" is here

        The index is here

        So you need to redo your current index page to include these links - NOT the links that all point to the now defunct MobileMe.

        Roger Moffat


          Re: Using new website

          I finally got it right with the help of Reunion Tech guru, Mark Harrison.

          It is SO annoying that Fatcow web host and other companies do not have Mac help! Now that Apple is one of the biggest companies in the country, maybe world, they need to get on board.

          Janet Mobley, Petaluma, CA:


            Re: Using new website

            That is weird, Janet, seeing as how Fatcow advertises in Mac magazines. I went with A2 Hosting. They are Mac friendly. I'm using Sandvox and A2 actually has several techs that know Sandvox.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

