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Sorting Children by Baptism Date

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    Sorting Children by Baptism Date

    This may be a bit unusual ...

    In the marriage filed under the children tab, it appears you can sort by birthday but not baptism. A lot of my records are recorded under baptism because that's the primary source, but my source for the baptism info only contains the year, so it's impossible to know for sure what year the person was *born* (Dec?). Is there a way to add a baptism column in that view and sort the children by baptism? Can this option be added?


    Re: Sorting Children by Baptism Date

    Originally posted by Bowes Researcher View Post
    In the marriage filed under the children tab...
    I'm not sure what you mean; but, I think you mean that you're in the family view and looking at a list of children. Or perhaps you mean the Edit Family > Children panel.

    ... it appears you can sort by birthday but not baptism
    If you're in the family view then you can click the "+ Children" button in the family view and select the "Sort" item -- that sorts the children by birth date.

    If you're in the Edit Family > Children panel, there is a Sort Children button that does the same thing -- sorts by birth date.

    In either case, you can't sort by Baptism date.

    However, in both cases you can drag children up or down in the list to sort. So, if the number of records needing the special sorting is manageable, that'd be the ticket.

    Is there a way to add a baptism column in that view...
    If you're in the family view looking at a list of children, then, yes, you can add almost any field in a column. (Reunion -> Preferences -> Family View > Children.) However, if you're in the Edit Family > Children panel, then you can't add Baptism.
    Last edited by Frank; 04 August 2012, 09:32 AM.
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Sorting Children by Baptism Date

      Thanks, all as I suspected.

