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Import mixed up family file

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    Import mixed up family file

    I have a strange problem that I believe was caused by an GEDCOM import. I had two separate family files open at the same time - a new one to import the GEDCOM into, and my regular one where I keep all of my data. I imported the GEDCOM into the blank family file (by using the screen that pops up when you create a new family file), but when the import finished, the index shows lots of individuals (135,000) but I could not get to open any them. When I went back to my own regular family file afterward, I started noticing weird changes to it - people linked to spouses they shouldn't be linked to, etc.

    Now that I've looked more extensively, it looks like the GEDCOM merged into my family file, but in a terrible and incorrect way! Everything is mixed up - everyone has multiple spouses, which seem to be pulled from all part of the old and new files. There is no chronological order - people have parents who were born hundreds of years before them, as well as spouses with the same time difference. For example, I am now listed as being married to someone born in the 1790s. My father was listed as having two wives (my mother & a woman from the 1800s), although now no parents are showing up on my record. People from the 1700s and 1800s are listed as being married to Living people.

    Does anyone have any insight into this, or more importantly how to fix this? I have backups of my family file, but they are quite out of date now. I would really love to be able to fix this. The family file is mixed up beyond repair. Or, if its not fixable, I will be very disappointed, but at least want to understand what happened so I can never do it again!

    Thanks for your help,

    Sara Van Cott

    Re: Import mixed up family file

    Hi Sara. Sorry to hear of your problem. As for the cause of the problem I can only make guesses. One guess is that the gedcom was malformed in some manner that might have confused the software. Another guess is that you might have accidentally imported the gedcom directly into your family file instead of an empty family file (although your problem description suggests otherwise).

    As to fixing your file, I can offer no solution given your description of how totally scrambled up it is. Perhaps others may have a solution. If it weren't so messed up I'd suggest sending your family file, along with the original gedcom to .

    As for future preventative measures may I suggest the following routine actions:
    (1) ALWAYS close your family file before importing a gedcom into a new "clone" empty version of your family file. This way there can be no confusion, whether by the software or by the user, as to which family file the gedcom is being loaded into.
    (2) ALWAYS create a backup copy of your family file before importing any gedcom, That way you will be assured of having a "before import" backup copy of your family file to fall back on just in case.
    Last edited by ByronSpoon; 11 August 2012, 12:45 PM.
    Byron Spoon


      Re: Import mixed up family file

      One of the things that is odd about this unfortunate circumstance is that is sounds as if new gedcom records were linked to existing Reunion records. This is not how a gedcom import works at all... it should simply bring new records in as stand alone data, and any linking needs to be done as a separate action. So I'm wondering if the mess you're seeing is restricted to gedcom data alone.

      Not knowing any more about this, I would try the following... make a backup copy of your corrupted file to start. Keep the original corrupted file as intact as possible... this might be important if Leister gets involved.

      Using the copy, do a Find on all records changed after a particular date (such as the day before your import). Once you have a list of people (presumably only those who were imported), delete them all. Then take a look at what you have left. If you're lucky, the remaining data will be substantially the same as what you had before the problem occurred. If not, I would echo Byron's suggestion to contact Leister Productions help.

      Also, I will echo Byron's suggestion about backing up. Backups are very good... I'm sure you agree, but it might be useful for the other folks reading this to hear as well.
      Tim Lundin
      Heartland Family Graphics

