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Column order in Results View

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    Column order in Results View

    The help file indicates that, if changes are made to the number and order of columns, Reunion remembers the structure for each window type. This certainly works for the People list. However, when I do a find, the Results page does NOT remember the columns I put in. It always reverts to last name, first name, birth date, and birth place. I would like to have the same columns always come up for the results of my searches.

    Other than this, new Version 10.0 seems great!


    Re: Column order in Results View

    When a Results list is created (via the Find feature) and viewed in the List window, the setup of columns and sorting will adhere to a "default" setup. If you create or open a Results list and tweak the choice of columns, the order of columns, the sorting, etc... and want that particular setup to become the default setup for new Results lists, then click the Results List button (the little blue triangle at the top of the list) and choose Save Default Column & Sort Options.

    The default setup of columns/sorting for Results lists containing lists of people (individuals) are saved independently from Results lists containing lists of couples.
    Last edited by Frank; 15 August 2012, 12:29 PM.
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Column order in Results View

      Thank you very much. I overlooked that button and didn't see it in the help file (but likely I didn't look hard enough). Works perfectly. It also keeps separate defaults for individuals and couples which is exactly what I need.

