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Odd results on Feasibility Checking.

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    Odd results on Feasibility Checking.

    I really don't want to turn this off as it's useful when I type in something genuinely wrong, but what can I do about "wrong" messages with Feasibility Checking?

    For example, I enter a wife's name - with or without surname - and am told she was born before her parents' marriage. Since I haven't even found her parents' names - let alone entered them onto Reunion with or without a marriage - this is irritating to say the least.

    It also doesn't always happen, making it even more irritating!

    Further: am I correct to assume that a death date entered with only a year is calculated on 1st January, and so will automatically produce the "child born after father's death" if that child is born after 1st January and thus take no account of a posthumous birth?


    PS Whilst some parts of Reunion10 are an interesting update - Tree View in particular - I'm less happy with the "wings" on the sides, I know the right hand Sidebar can be closed, but there appears to be no way of reducing the left side bar - just icons might be better. Also one cannot reduce enough the size of the Family View display.

    I'm using a 13 inch laptop and screen size is a serious problem, I'd use my 17 inch G4 laptop but... R10 can't work on old OS.

    Perhaps options to shift bars might help?