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Moving R9 to new computer

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    Moving R9 to new computer

    I recently used Migration Assistant to move R9 from my old MacBook to this MacBook Air. I copied my main file containing my family-tree from the folder in which it was located on the MacBook to the corresponding folder on this Air.

    I now open the file with R9 on this Air, but, when I try to save it, the following happens. A window appears telling me that I have created a new family-file, and offering me the choice of importing a file. But the drop-down list shows the file containing my family-tree as greyed out.

    I dare say that I am making at least 1 beginnerish mistake, but can some kind soul tell me how to organise this properly ?

    Many thanks !

    Re: Moving R9 to new computer

    The family file is on your Air, isn't it?
    Did you try double-clicking the file? Reunion should then open it.

    Or you could try Ctr-click on the file. A Context-Menu should propose to open the file with Reunion or to choose an application.

    Sorry if this doesn't help, unfortunately I don't have an Air or to migrate my files for testing purposes :-(
    Mac OS 10.5.8, OS X 10.11.5, Reunion 10.0.6
    Reunion for iPhone and iPad


      Re: Moving R9 to new computer

      I can open my family-tree file by finding it in Documents, Ctrl-clicking on it, and choosing Open with Reunion 9.

      It is when I go to save it that the trouble starts. Instead of allowing me to Save, or to Save As, R9 tells me that I may Save a Copy. As soon as I have done that, it tells me that I have created a New, Empty, Family-file, and what do I want to call it ?

      Thank you for coming to my help, but I begin to despair of ever being able to sort this out.


        Re: Moving R9 to new computer

        Shame on me, I didn't read carefully enough! I fear, I'm unable to really help you.

        Did you check your license got migrated too?

        I found this on the website:


        No idea, if this could be of any help in your case.

        Sometimes it helps to shut down and restart the Computer and/or to repair the file permissions using Disk Utility.

        What Mac OS do you use? This information could be helpful for others who are more experienced than me.
        Mac OS 10.5.8, OS X 10.11.5, Reunion 10.0.6
        Reunion for iPhone and iPad


          Re: Moving R9 to new computer

          Yes, I have complied with everything described in that useful link, so I remain mystified.

          But thank you for coming to my help.


            Re: Moving R9 to new computer

            Are you able to create a new family file and save it?

            If not, could you try this with another user account on your computer?

            I'm no Reunion expert, these are just some of the usual first help steps, including the ones I mentioned in my previous post.
            Mac OS 10.5.8, OS X 10.11.5, Reunion 10.0.6
            Reunion for iPhone and iPad


              Re: Moving R9 to new computer

              I launch R9.

              I create a new Family-File.

              I import the file that I know is the right file -- it is the one that I can view in full when I Ctrl-click it, and Open File with R9.

              The file contains 1250 people, but the Family-File shows 0 people.

              Hence my desperation...

              But again, thank you.


                Re: Moving R9 to new computer

                Originally posted by paieye View Post
                .......I now open the file with R9 on this Air, but, when I try to save it, the following happens. A window appears .......
                Reunion saves as it goes. You do not need to attempt to save. That is why the command is named "Save A Copy" in both R9 and R10.

                At any rate, why are you trying to import your existing R9 file into a new R9 file? Just find your old file, which, after the MA move, should still be in the Reunion Files folder in Documents, and open it. From where I view this, it appears that you are trying to complicate something that is simple. I could be wrong as I am not on the scene to see exactly what you are doing (or not doing).
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Re: Moving R9 to new computer

                  Excellent, thank you ! After months of frustration, I have at last been able to make some additions to my family-file, and I am delighted about that.

                  However, the situation is as follows.

                  I just now closed R9 after making the additions, and re-launched it. My family-file is not shown in the folder Reunion Files. Instead, I open the folder Documents, and there is my family-file. I click Open, and all is well.

                  Ought I to do anything about this, or shall I just leave well alone ?

                  Again, a big thank you !


                    Re: Moving R9 to new computer

                    Originally posted by paieye View Post
                    Excellent, thank you !.......Ought I to do anything about this, or shall I just leave well alone ?........
                    Yes... move the family file to the Reunion Files folder. That is where the Reunion program expects to find family files. After you do that, you may want to do either of the following:

                    1. Drag the family file icon to the dock. That will create an alias in the dock which you can single click to start up that family file. The "real" icon will remain in Reunion Files.

                    2. Highlight the family file's icon, then hold down the Command(Apple) and Option keys and drag the icon onto the desktop. You will see a copy of the family file icon on your desktop that has a curved arrow in the lower left corner of the icon. You have created an alias that you can double-click to start up that family file. (Note: If there is no arrow, you were not successful and need to put the icon back in Reunion Files and try again.)
                    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                      Re: Moving R9 to new computer

                      Again, thank you, very helpful.

