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Add/change field names in various lists

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    Add/change field names in various lists

    I'm using a Mac and Reunion 10. I brought up the contacts table to add a particular web site. I noticed you can add columns but the selection of fields seems permanently limited from Address to Record Number. Is there a way to add to or change field names to things like "URL" or "Email Address?"

    Similarly when I select Sources from the left bar all that appears in the right Sources bar is the number of the source, then type and data. How can I select other fields to appear as columns? When I select the list button on the bottom of the screen and Sources the same three fields appear, but cannot be added to as you can with contacts? How can you add columns to these two windows?

    Finally..I would like to be able to see a list of sources for individuals with certain information. One useful search is to try and follow a person's location throughout their life. I find myself searching Ancestry.Com family trees looking for similarly named individuals and can reduce false leads by noticing where the lived during different periods. There doesn't appear to be a way of linking the name and sources tables easily. The only way I see that now is to create (for example) a 'Census' event so that I would have date (1910), place (Illinois, Cook, Chicago) and use the memo field for the year/date of birth; birth location and street address.

    I could then either use the events page or select a person and census from the list>events at the screen bottom and see a list of censuses (or all sources for that matter). Thus I could track a person's life through censuses and other sources and see quickly their migration. All this information is already in Reunion; it's just a little difficult to get at it. Ideally it would be great to link the Sources table with all the individuals listed on a particular source to create a joined table for doing the above search.

    Perhaps I'm missing something.

    Thanks, Rich
    Last edited by Rich Gibson; 30 August 2012, 08:31 AM.

    Re: Add/change field names in various lists

    No one has any answers...not even the programming staff?


      Re: Add/change field names in various lists


      To ensure a prompt reply from the support staff, it's best to send an email to

      To encourage replies from ReunionTalk readers, then it would be better to post messages on one topic/thread at a time.

      I brought up the contacts table to add a particular web site. I noticed you can add columns but the selection of fields seems permanently limited from Address to Record Number. Is there a way to add to or change field names to things like "URL" or "Email Address?"
      Contact fields are not user-defined. If the type of data you want to record doesn't fit into one of the dozen or so provided fields, then I'd suggest using "Other."

      when I select Sources from the left bar all that appears in the right Sources bar is the number of the source, then type and data. How can I select other fields to appear as columns? When I select the list button on the bottom of the screen and Sources the same three fields appear, but cannot be added to as you can with contacts? How can you add columns to these two windows?
      You can't add more fields to the sources sidebar or sources list. That's mainly because source records can be different "types" where each type has a different number and collection of fields. A source of type A can have a collection of 5 fields that source type B does not have. And vice versa. Unless all sources were the same type, the list would quickly become useless.

      You lost me on your last two paragraphs; but this ...
      it would be great to link the Sources table with all the individuals listed on a particular source to create a joined table for doing the above search.
      ...sounds a lot like the feature of "Show usage of source x" (Source list, Tools button). Perhaps you can clarify.
      Last edited by Frank; 30 August 2012, 02:20 PM.
      Frank Leister
      Leister Productions Inc.


        Re: Add/change field names in various lists

        Those last two paragraphs sound like maybe a timeline type of tool for locations.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: Add/change field names in various lists

          Originally posted by Frank View Post
          You lost me on your last two paragraphs; but this ...
          ...sounds a lot like the feature of "Show usage of source x" (Source list, Tools button). Perhaps you can clarify.
          Thanks for the first two answers. As for my third inquiry; Reunion is, in its purest form, is most likely a relational database. On the one hand you have a 'source' table which has a subset of fields associated with the census. On the other hand there are a number of individuals on the 'persons' table which form a subset, namely the persons who are included on a particular census.

          The goal of my inquiry is to generate a list of person 'a' and include the Year, State, County and Township (and possibly a street address) of every census in chronological order. I can do this manually using the Event and repeatedly create a separate entry for every single person on their record. I was hoping to save time.


