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List/Report Countries of Birth/Baptism and Causes of Death

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    List/Report Countries of Birth/Baptism and Causes of Death

    Hi, one of my family members has asked me to try and create a report or list of the places of birth/baptism of family members on me family tree for them as a the possible basis for a medical genetic search. I have tried searching the manual and using find, but cannot come up with any method to include both the birth baptism and show the names and places of births of the people in the results.

    I am also at a total loss on how to run a report based only on causes of death, that would list the cause of death, the person and if possible the place of birth and place of death.

    Any ideas that anyone has would be greatly appreciated.



    Re: List/Report Countries of Birth/Baptism and Causes of Death

    Originally posted by Matt Falvey View Post
    I am also at a total loss on how to run a report based only on causes of death, that would list the cause of death, the person and if possible the place of birth and place of death.
    [1] Search for "Cause of death" is not "" (i.e., leave the match field blank, so you list only people for whom you have entered a cause of death.)
    [2] click on the yellow/orange icon at the bottom of the results sidebar, to open the list window
    [3] set up the number of columns, and what they contain (6 columns for your example: last name / first name / birth - death / birth place / death place / cause of death). If you want it sorted by cause of death, you can click on that column, or by place of death, or by last name.
    [4] click on the blue icon at the bottom of the list window to export the report to your word processor for further tweaking or printing.

    Originally posted by Matt Falvey View Post
    One of my family members has asked me to try and create a report or list of the places of birth/baptism of family members on me family tree for them as a the possible basis for a medical genetic search. I have tried searching the manual and using find, but cannot come up with any method to include both the birth baptism and show the names and places of births of the people in the results.
    I'm not sure I understand what you want to do here, but I suspect a method similar to the former would work.

    Do you want a list of all the people in your file sorted by birth place, and a list sorted by baptismal place? Or sorted by baptismal, then birth?

    [1] with the People sidebar showing, click on the yellow-orange icon to open the list window (If you don't want ALL the people in your file, perform the appropriate search first.)
    [2] set up the number of columns, and what you want them to show (perhaps: last name / first name / birth date / birth place / baptism date / baptism place). Click on the baptism place column to sort by baptismal place, or birth place column to sort by birth place
    [3] click on the blue sharing icon at the bottom of the list window to open the report in your word processor for further processing.
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: List/Report Countries of Birth/Baptism and Causes of Death

      Dennis, thank you very much for your reply, it was exactly what I wanted and was most helpful.


