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Family History Report including photos

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    Family History Report including photos

    I an trying to create Family History Reports that include photos. I have tried in both Reunion 9 and 10. I have tried to do it both in Pages and in Appleworks. The progress bar gets to within less than a sixteenth of an inch from the end and stays there for over an hour. If I uncheck the "Include Photos" the reports are created in minutes.
    How long should it take to create the report if photos are included?
    Don Mason

    Re: Family History Report including photos

    Hi Don,

    It shouldn't take this long in most cases. It's likely one of the people included in the report has a preferred picture that is causing the hangup.

    If you send us an e-mail with your family file, details on the source of the report/number of generations, and the pictures that would be included, we should be able to help you sort this out.
    Last edited by Mark; 09 September 2012, 11:30 PM.
    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.

