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How to find living people in census years?

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    How to find living people in census years?

    I would like to find everyone living in certain years like a census year. For example, I would like to find everyone that would have been living in 1940 and hopefully that would've been recorded in the census. I am not having a lot of success.
    Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11

    Re: How to find living people in census years?

    People side of find.... Birth Date Before 1949 AND Death Date After 1940 should give you the desire result. Worked for me.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Re: How to find living people in census years?

      Originally posted by Bob White View Post
      People side of find.... Birth Date Before 1949 AND Death Date After 1940 should give you the desire result. Worked for me.
      Thanks, Bob. But it didn't work. It didn't find my parents and an uncle all born in 1937. Also an aunt born in 1932. All four are still alive. It didn't catch anyone born before 1940 and still alive.
      Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11


        Re: How to find living people in census years?


        Birth Date [before] 1941


        Death Date [after] 1940

        (I have no idea what 1949 might have to do with this).

        Roger Moffat


          Re: How to find living people in census years?

          Originally posted by Cormac View Post
          Thanks, Bob. But it didn't work. It didn't find my parents and an uncle all born in 1937. Also an aunt born in 1932. All four are still alive. It didn't catch anyone born before 1940 and still alive.
          Search for
          Death date is after 1 April 1940 <--- that's the date of the 1940 census
          Death date is "" <-- that is, leave the comparison blank

          Unmark Everybody in Family File, then Mark Everybody in List

          Search for
          Birth date is before 1 April 1940
          Birth date is after 1 April 1840 <--- to exclude those who would be more than 100 years old on the census date if you have no death date for them: you can adjust this if you want to include more or fewer.
          Person marked yes

          Not perfect (it will miss those with missing birthdates) but perhaps useful.
          Last edited by Dennis J. Cunniff; 25 September 2012, 06:25 AM. Reason: clarity
          Dennis J. Cunniff
          Click here to email me


            Re: How to find living people in census years?

            Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
            ..(I have no idea what 1949 might have to do with this)....
            Just a typo! I meant 1939.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Re: How to find living people in census years?

              Originally posted by Bob White View Post
              Just a typo! I meant 1939.
              It stil didn't work. Thanks anyway, Bob.
              Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11


                Re: How to find living people in census years?

                Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
                Search for
                Death date is after 1 April 1940 <--- that's the date of the 1940 census
                Death date is "" <-- that is, leave the comparison blank

                Unmark Everybody in Family File, then Mark Everybody in List

                Search for
                Birth date is before 1 April 1940
                Birth date is after 1 April 1840 <--- to exclude those who would be more than 100 years old on the census date if you have no death date for them: you can adjust this if you want to include more or fewer.
                Person marked yes

                Not perfect (it will miss those with missing birthdates) but perhaps useful.

                Thanks for trying, but no cigar for you tonight. The first approach gave me 590 out of 640 people (in my DB). The second approach gave me people that died before 1940. BUT!!! You do get points for getting my parents, aunt and uncle and several others born in the 1930s.


                Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11


                  Re: How to find living people in census years?

                  Originally posted by Cormac View Post

                  Thanks for trying, but no cigar for you tonight. The first approach gave me 590 out of 640 people (in my DB). The second approach gave me people that died before 1940. BUT!!! You do get points for getting my parents, aunt and uncle and several others born in the 1930s.

                  This is not a "first approach" and "second approach" procedure

                  You need to do the first search, mark the cards that are found and THEN do the second search. The resulting list at the end of BOTH searches will be all those you're looking for.

                  If it's not, then you're not doing the searches correctly.

                  Roger Moffat


                    Re: How to find living people in census years?

                    Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
                    This is not a "first approach" and "second approach" procedure

                    You need to do the first search, mark the cards that are found and THEN do the second search. The resulting list at the end of BOTH searches will be all those you're looking for.

                    If it's not, then you're not doing the searches correctly.


                    Well, that wasn't the way that I understood it. I did not see anything that said do it the way that you said.

                    Mac OS X 10.12.3, Reunion 11.0.11


                      Re: How to find living people in census years?

                      Originally posted by Cormac View Post

                      Well, that wasn't the way that I understood it... Jeff
                      Well, that's the way I understood it Roger, Thanks for your continuous support.
                      Kevan Yuck, RU~13.0 (Build: 210616) 64-bit, macOS 11.4
                      Search - Hebner, Hein(s), Keuhl, Wilke, Juch, Yuch, Yuck, Yuke

