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    I have discovered that my GEDCOM notes were not indented and thus my Family files now do not have indentations either. The reports look awkward with no indentations for paragraphs and sub-paragraphs. I don't suppose there is an easy way of going through thousands of notes to get those changed?? Another winter project....


    Re: Reports

    As a follow-on to my initial note, I need some guidance that I have not found in the manual.

    I am trying to correct the notes that were brought over in my GEDCOM file by copying the note to WORD, making the corrections and then copy/paste these back to the Notes field in My Family File. In attempting to use the 'Find' feature, I selected the 'Find' --> 'With Misc. Notes" --> Conditions 'Misc. Notes' --> 'Before' and entered 1875. The resultant listing appears to be all persons in My Family File even those with dates subsequent to 1875. No matter what date I enter, the entire file appears, ostensibly all members in my file with notes. I would like to isolate the report to reflect only those who have notes in a certain time period. Possibly I am misunderstanding the Find feature and I expect too much from it? Suggestions?

    I suppose I could continue to use the entire listing produced and keep track of where I was in the listing by keeping an off line note of the last correction made - but woudl liek some input if my idea is feasible -- or even rational! :-)
    Last edited by sgtbob; 13 November 2012, 06:29 AM. Reason: To add an afterthought


      Re: Reports

      Notes don't have a date associated with them, so attempting to find Notes using Date as a qualifier isn't going to work at all.

      You can find Notes by what they contain, or if they're empty or not empty.

      And to add to this, I'd suggest that trying to "indent" the notes in Reunion is not a wise use of time - Reunion is not a Word Processor - if you want your reports to have indented lines at the start of paragraphs, then do that in the Word Processor - define a style that has the first line of a paragraph indented and then apply that style to the paragraphs when you're making the report.

      Roger Moffat


        Re: Reports

        Originally posted by sgtbob View Post
        I am trying to correct the notes that were brought over in my GEDCOM file by copying the note to WORD, making the corrections and then copy/paste these back to the Notes field in My Family File. In attempting to use the 'Find' feature, I selected the 'Find' --> 'With Misc. Notes" --> Conditions 'Misc. Notes' --> 'Before' and entered 1875. The resultant listing appears to be all persons in My Family File even those with dates subsequent to 1875.
        It sounds like what you want to do is search for all persons whose BIRTH DATE is before 1875 AND whose MISC. NOTES is not "" (blank).

        (Or perhaps all persons whose DEATH DATE is before 1875 AND MISC. NOTES is not "")

        Though I'll add with Roger that paragraph formatting is probably best done in the reports you generate rather than within Reunion. (And parenthetically also wholeheartedly endorse the notion that indentation of the initial line of paragraphs optimally "ought" to be done via Styles rather than by adding tab characters.)
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Reports

          I suspect that using the word processor after the report is prepared is the recommended method and I have used it for a couple of reports. However, I think I may continue with my corrective method to the original notes data to preclude having to re-format each report once generated.

          Granted, Reunion is not a word processor, but I tested several reports with styles --> Normal as suggested. With the dozen or so corrected notes I've already made, several test reports retained the indentations that I made to the original file. Seems that this would resolve my concerns on future reports.

          Thanks for the information.


            Re: Reports

            Originally posted by sgtbob View Post
            I suspect that using the word processor after the report is prepared is the recommended method and I have used it for a couple of reports. However, I think I may continue with my corrective method to the original notes data to preclude having to re-format each report once generated.

            Granted, Reunion is not a word processor, but I tested several reports with styles --> Normal as suggested. With the dozen or so corrected notes I've already made, several test reports retained the indentations that I made to the original file. Seems that this would resolve my concerns on future reports.

            Thanks for the information.
            You do NOT have to reformat all the notes after a report is generated.

            You define a style that has the first line indented by x (where x is an amount you can specify) and then apply that style to the paragraph.

            Or if you want ALL your paragraphs to have the first line indented then alter the "Normal" style to include this, and then it will just happen automagically.

            I will say again, attempting to set first line indenting by putting spaces before the first character is NOT a very sensible way to go about achieving this - the results at best will be unpredictable - for example in justified text the spaces are in theory all different widths, so you won't know exactly how large the indent will be from one paragraph to the next, and on any output made by Reunion to HTML for web cards, the multiple spaces will all get collapsed in to a single space - that's just the way web browsers work.

            Roger Moffat

