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Delete places with no associated people

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    Delete places with no associated people

    Now that I've upgraded to Reunion 10, I'm trying to work on consistency in my database of over 2600 people. I have been using the Places tab to merge places, which has been working well, but I've come across a few that I'm not sure how to deal with.

    It seems like the places are still there, even though the associated people are gone. (I recently removed about 1000 individuals from this family file). In the box under the Places box, I see "X events use this place" but none of them are people that I can click on. Instead these places say "family with no spouses." (See attached image.)

    Is there a way to delete these places, or does this message mean something other than what I think it means?


    Attached Files

    Re: Delete places with no associated people

    Originally posted by sara.vancott View Post
    Is there a way to delete these places, or does this message mean something other than what I think it means?
    I haven't encountered this, but I'll still offer two suggestions.

    [1] click on each event and see if it shows up in the family view (at which point you could delete it)
    [2] Rebuild the Cache files. (File -> Rebuild Cache Files...) and see if it makes any difference.
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Delete places with no associated people

      Hi Dennis,

      When I clicked on the events, they did not show up in the family view, so I tried Rebuilding the Cache files, which worked! It brought the number of places down significantly.

      Thanks for the suggestion,


