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Web publishing - incremental changes

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    Web publishing - incremental changes

    I'm using Reunion 10.0.4 on OSX 10.8.2.

    Regards publishing a Reunion file on the web, is there any way to have Reunion generate only incremental changes for upload ? I'm guessing there isn't, I can find no mention of it in the Reunion manual, but wouldn't like to think there was a way round this.

    My family file has 60,000+ individuals, and the web folder which Reunion produces is a little shy of 800MB. Compressing it reduces to 184MB, still a chunky file for uploading via FTP. My internet connection isn't too bad, but it's still going to be a couple of hours to upload 184MB.

    I usually use Fetch for FTP, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a synchronisation feature on an FTP Client somewhere along the line. It may have been Cyberduck. Has anybody used such a feature successfully in order to minimise subsequent family file web uploads ?

    If the feature doesn't already exist, it'd be a nice one to introduce, ie. for Reunion to somehow assist the process of upload changed files only. Perhaps Reunion could even store FTP details and auto synchronise with a folder on a website ??

    Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

    You probably are looking for this

    Roger Moffat


      Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

      Hey, thanks Roger. That looks like a solution. A little bit of a cumbersome process it seems, but it'll do.

      The application should get a mention in the manual. Unless it's there and it's me being blind.
      Last edited by Steven; 06 January 2013, 06:05 AM. Reason: Typo repair


        Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

        I don't know whether I'm doing something wrong, or whether there's a bug in Reunion Web Tool, but a couple of examples of things not making sense.

        Using Person ID 1, the URL Calculator tells me that the URL should be:


        However this URL is invalid when tried in a browser. The directory structure of Reunion's web folder doesn't appear to contain ps folders, but it does contain pc folders. The valid URL appears to be:


        The Web Card URL calculator seems to work okay, however the Family Group URL calculator ( eg. http://www.<domain>/fg01/fg01_001.htm ) don't seem to work.

        Any clues as to whether I'm doing something wrong, and if so what that is ?

        Many thanks


          Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

          Originally posted by Steven View Post
          I'm using Reunion 10.0.4 on OSX 10.8.2.

          Regards publishing a Reunion file on the web, is there any way to have Reunion generate only incremental changes for upload ? I'm guessing there isn't, I can find no mention of it in the Reunion manual, but wouldn't like to think there was a way round this.

          My family file has 60,000+ individuals, and the web folder which Reunion produces is a little shy of 800MB. Compressing it reduces to 184MB, still a chunky file for uploading via FTP. My internet connection isn't too bad, but it's still going to be a couple of hours to upload 184MB.

          I usually use Fetch for FTP, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a synchronisation feature on an FTP Client somewhere along the line. It may have been Cyberduck. Has anybody used such a feature successfully in order to minimise subsequent family file web uploads ?

          If the feature doesn't already exist, it'd be a nice one to introduce, ie. for Reunion to somehow assist the process of upload changed files only. Perhaps Reunion could even store FTP details and auto synchronise with a folder on a website ??
          I use TNG ( for just these reasons - I found it was a nightmare to set up, and it doesn't look pretty on my site because I don't understand how to make it pretty! But it's incredibly fast and it's easy to update.
          Last edited by Deb; 06 January 2013, 09:04 PM.


            Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

            Hi Steven -

            To your original question: I use Transmit as my FTP client to upload the files.

            Transmit has a sync feature that works just fine for me.



              Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

              Thanks for the suggestions Jamie and Ken.

              The suggestions prompted a further thought, which probably exposes my ignorance. Given the comparatively large size of Reunion-generated web folders, and the fact that they're out of data the moment a family file is updated, would it not be feasible to have a version of Reunion that runs on a server, alongside an uploaded family file, so that web pages (family cards etc) are produced on the fly, pulling data through from an uploaded family file (the database) ?

              A little like how applications such as Joomla work.


                Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

                Originally posted by Steven View Post
                Thanks for the suggestions Jamie and Ken.

                The suggestions prompted a further thought, which probably exposes my ignorance. Given the comparatively large size of Reunion-generated web folders, and the fact that they're out of data the moment a family file is updated, would it not be feasible to have a version of Reunion that runs on a server, alongside an uploaded family file, so that web pages (family cards etc) are produced on the fly, pulling data through from an uploaded family file (the database) ?

                It's called TNG - - it takes a GEDCOM file and displays it online using PHP and MySQL. Here's my great great grandfather
                Roger Moffat


                  Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

                  Thanks Roger.

                  Yeah, there seems to be plenty of 3rd party solutions about. I still use WorldConnect probably more due to habit than anything else. But I would have thought Reunion would have moved into the SAAS space by now, or easier methods of online publication, at least as an option. Maybe it's in the wings, or maybe there's good reason why not.


                    Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

                    Originally posted by Ken Piper View Post
                    I use Transmit as my FTP client to upload the files.

                    Transmit has a sync feature that works just fine for me.

                    The means of collecting data to upload from the software creates a web report (Reports/Web Project). Using this, the file dates are always the date of the report created. How does the sync factor work for you if all the dates are new?


                      Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

                      Roger - how did you get the census transcriptions into that record on TNG? They don't look like custom Facts exactly.


                        Re: Web publishing - incremental changes

                        Originally posted by donworth View Post
                        Roger - how did you get the census transcriptions into that record on TNG? They don't look like custom Facts exactly.
                        They are events in Reunion, with the census transcription in the "Memo" field. I enclose it in the HTML <pre> tag to make it show up using a mono spaced font, and use <br /> for the new lines rather than making actual new lines so that it is close spaced and not spaced out with <p> tags that otherwise happens. So in Reunion that transcript is a single line of text, in some cases over 1,000 characters long.

                        Roger Moffat

