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unmarried spouse

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    unmarried spouse

    Why does "spouse of xxx" show up on trees when "unmarried" was chosen for the couple involved?

    Re: unmarried spouse

    Because you entered them as a couple. Doesn't matter if they are unmarried.
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: unmarried spouse

      Just because a "couple" is entered shouldn't force you to live with each always being referred to as the other's "spouse" at all. The dictionary definition of spouse specifically states that a marriage is involved, and in this case it's clearly not true. I have at least one entry in my own file where I'd really like it not to say that, too. But I've yet to find a setting that would offer me a chance to rectify it.
      Montgomery, Alabama


        Re: unmarried spouse

        In such situations, I do not even enter the not-related-to-me person as a spouse unless children were produced. I just mention in my notes that xxxx lived with my relation for xx years, etc...
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: unmarried spouse

          Originally posted by Bob White View Post
          In such situations, I do not even enter the not-related-to-me person as a spouse unless children were produced. I just mention in my notes that xxxx lived with my relation for xx years, etc...
          That's precisely the situation that I happen to have. My daughter had a child with someone to whom she was not married, so there's no other way to account for my granddaughter unless I choose to omit him entirely. I don't really consider that appropriate, for her sake.

          So while I can't speak for the rationale of the originator of this thread, I'd certainly like to be able to avoid seeing my daughter's "ex" listed as her "spouse" when he's now just a bad memory.
          Montgomery, Alabama


            Re: unmarried spouse

            That's my problem; there is a grandchild.


              Re: unmarried spouse

              My older sister has this scenario and I've handled it by having her listed by herself and never married, (which is how it is) but still included her daughter under her, complete with different surname. I have added a note (like Bob said) to both my sister and niece explaining the fathers name etc etc. My sister was adamant that she didn't want him to appear in the tree, period.
              My younger sister has 4 children to 3 different fathers (one she did marry but two she didn't) and she didn't care how it was shown, but asked her children if they wanted their father to appear (which they did).
              I don't think it matters how it's shown as long the family member in question is happy and all the relevant information is recorded somehow.

