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Keyboard Shortcuts

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    Keyboard Shortcuts

    What has happened to Apple Mac keyboard shortcuts with Reunion 10? I cannot find one for command-S for Save, as in Reunion 9. Now it opens the Source list. And when in Edit Person view, I cannot seem to use Command 1, 2, 3, 4 etc to bring up Name, Events, Facts, Notes etc as in Reunion 9. I really miss them, but cannot find substitutes in the Short Cuts list. Judith

    Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

    I am wrong on the Command 1,2,3 etc. It seems to work now I posted! However Command-S does not save. What will save so I do not have to move my curser to the Done?


      Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

      Hi Judith,
      Command-S did not "save" in Reunion 9. It opened the Source List.
      This hasn't changed in Reunion 10.
      When in Edit Person (Reunion 10), the Enter key is the equivalent of the Done button.
      The manual explains why Command-S isn't the traditional "save" function. To learn more, click the "?" button and search for "saving changes" (without the quotes).
      Frank Leister
      Leister Productions Inc.


        Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

        Hi Frank. I hate to argue with the experts and the makers of Reunion, but I just opened my old Reunion 9 file, added some notes in the note area, and clicked command-S, and it saved and closed the window, and took me back to family view. I miss that. Now I have to use my trackpad and move the cursor to Done. Sadly.


          Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

          Both of you are correct.

          If you are in the Edit Person window, you can either click the Save button or do a Command-S or just hit either the Enter or Return key; four ways to actuate the save. If you are anywhere else, Command-S opens the Source list.
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

            Well, gosh, my Reunion 10 must be flakey. When I am in the Edit person view in Notes, command-S opens the source window, and return (enter) takes me down a line. I agree when entering data in name, events, facts etc, but not in Notes. Command-S in Reunion 9 in the Note area saved and closed the window. That is the thing I miss and wish for.


              Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

              My apologies. I meant that both of you are correct with regard to version 9. What you are missing here is that version 10 behaves like a normal database and saves as you go, so there is no real reason to have a save command in the Edit Person mode......
              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

                Except that it is easier! clicking command-S is easier when you are typing notes. Using Done requires one to move the cursor with the trackpad over to Done. Not as quick and easy. Not that I am moving back to Reunion 9. Not yet anyway ;-)


                  Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

                  Originally posted by Jude View Post
                  ...I just opened my old Reunion 9 file, added some notes in the note area, and clicked command-S, and it saved and closed the window...
                  As Frank said CMD-S works in the Edit Person window in Reunion 9.

                  In Reunion 10, if you're editing notes and want to save the changes and go back to the family view you have three keyboard shortcuts that will get you there...

                  1. the Enter key.
                  2. CMD-Return.
                  3. the ESC key.

                  All of the above do the same as clicking the Done button.
                  Gregg Witmer
                  Leister Productions, Inc.


                    Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

                    Thank you Greg. Enter only works for Name, Events, Facts, but the other 2 work for Notes. Love that. Thank you. I was looking for a keyboard shortcut and could not find it in the Shortcuts list. Thank you for giving me the answer. Judith


                      Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

                      Originally posted by Jude View Post
                      Thank you Greg. Enter only works for Name, Events, Facts, but the other 2 work for Notes. Love that. Thank you. I was looking for a keyboard shortcut and could not find it in the Shortcuts list. Thank you for giving me the answer. Judith
                      On my USB-wired Apple keyboard model A1243, the Enter key (far right corner next to the numeric keypad) also works for Notes type fields as stated by Gregg.
                      What model keyboard are you using, Judith?
                      Byron Spoon

