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Red Question Mark in Tree View

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    Red Question Mark in Tree View

    I am having trouble descending through my descendants in Family View. When I reach a particular person, none of the children show in the Children fields and I cannot select and continue to descend through my descendants.

    If I select and double click on a person from the people list who is several generations below the problem, I can move up the ancestors and the previously blank children page is again restored. I can continue up the list to the oldest ancestor, but when I descend the list again, the same blank page of children returns.

    I checked the Tree View and found one individual just one generation below the blank page has a big red question mark to the left of the name box in Tree View.

    What is this telling me and how do I fix it?

    Thanks in advance if anyone has any suggestions.
    Last edited by Frank; 17 March 2013, 09:25 AM.
    Sherman William Bear
    Researching Bear/Behr/Bohr in PA
    Sherman in NB, OH, PA

    Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View

    Regarding the tree view, searching the manual for "red question mark" will take you to the answer. In summary, it means that Reunion can't find the image file. And you should try repairing multimedia locations...

    Choose Reunion -> Preferences.
    Click the Multimedia Files button.
    Click the Repair Media Locations button.

    The first issue (children not appearing where you expect them) may be related to the second, or it may be a duplication or linking problem. First, let's try solving the missing picture issue and then follow up with the first issue.
    Last edited by Frank; 17 March 2013, 09:31 AM.
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View

      Thank you, Frank,

      I decided to remove the pix from two ancestors and that removed the red question marks. However, the link between one father and his children remains. I can choose a person two generations below the problem and the full tree returns, however, if I continue to select the father and ascend the family page to the oldest ancestor, then descend the family pages, I arrive at the person and his spouse who have a blank Children display.

      This problem has appeared only after I updated Reunion to 10.0.5. Image of the page is attached.

      Any suggestions?
      Attached Files
      Sherman William Bear
      Researching Bear/Behr/Bohr in PA
      Sherman in NB, OH, PA


        Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View

        The screen image is a little fuzzy, but if you're saying that Caleb and Deborah have children that don't appear in this record, then the first thing to check is your People List (in the sidebar on the right) to see if Caleb is entered twice.

        Sounds like you're able to get to his and Deborah's record from "beneath" (i.e., from their descendants) and, perhaps that record was duplicated: one with children, one without.

        Check the "Family ID" numbers for each record (the family id appears in the bottom bar)...
        1. the record for Caleb and Deborah that appears in the image you attached (the one without children).
        2. the record for Caleb and Deborah that does have children.
        Frank Leister
        Leister Productions Inc.


          Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View

          I found the "missing link", I think, and am a bit embarrassed.

          As I ascended my ancestors, I would pass Caleb b. 1703/4 and his SECOND wife and their children. Then, as I descended from the earliest Sherman ancestor to Caleb b. 1703/4 again, I would arrive at Caleb with his FIRST wife and no children which was true.

          I didn't notice the change in spouse as I moved up and down the lineage until this morning. Rather an interesting 'hick-up".

          Why does Reunion do this and is there a way to prevent the switch between spouses depending on direction of review of the lineage?

          Thanks for your persistent assistance,

          Sherman William Bear
          Researching Bear/Behr/Bohr in PA
          Sherman in NB, OH, PA


            Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View


            Caleb has a small red triangle beside his name indicating more than one spouse. Click on the triangle, then place the mouse over Spouses and Children. Click on Edit Spouses. Choose the wife with children as Preferred.



              Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View


              Back to your original question about the red question mark.

              If you hold the mouse over the missing picture icon, a message will appear telling you the name of the media file Reunion expects to be there. That may help you figure out why Reunion doesn't find the file.



                Re: Red Question Mark in Tree View

                Hi Paul,

                Well, you solved my troublesome "switching spouse" problem. I was not aware of the "prefered spouse" option. Making that selection now shows the lineage correctly whether ascending or descending the Family View. Also, I was able to reestablish my photo links and eliminated the red question marks.

                Thank you for your help. The members on this forum continue to be most helpful and prompt with assistance, which makes Reunion a quality piece of software with gracious folks willing to help its users.
                Sherman William Bear
                Researching Bear/Behr/Bohr in PA
                Sherman in NB, OH, PA

