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Relationship Source Person and its Spouse

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    Relationship Source Person and its Spouse


    I do not know how this happened. In the family view I lost the mention of the relationship of each individual that usually appeared under the name along with age. I clicked the Source Person ( that is my father) and using the triangle in the upper-right corner of his button I choose -Find relatives-. The text reappeared but my mother is now said 6C1R instead of Spouse. Her father is 5C2R and her mother 6C1R . Evidently it expresses my mother's relationship to someone else !!!!!!! How can I correct this and how can I prevent this to happen again. I really would like to know how this could have happened.

    Thanks for your help.

    Michèle Bergeron

    Re: Relationship Source Person and its Spouse

    Click the ? button and type in "Relationship Source Person" (without the quotes).

    You'll learn how to make somebody the source person for relationships, and how you (most likely, inadvertently) made somebody else the source person.
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Relationship Source Person and its Spouse

      Thanks Frank for your prompt reply,

      I printed and read the pages under Relationship Source Person . I am stuck... really stuck. I can't bring back my mother Jeanne as my father's Marc spouse and her relation to her parents. All I can do, is viewing their relationship based on a common ancestor. Can you guide me toward the subsection of the manual explaining how to change the status? I tried redefine her as Source and my father became her 6C1R.

      I remember having tried to find the relationship between my mother and the couple Meneu /LePeuvrier ( the common ancestor) . What could I have done to set them as the relationship reference is a mystery to me.

      Should I go to the culprit couple Meneu / Le Peuvrier and Click Relatives in the sidebar, Click Change and Clear Relationship Fields? Would that do?

      Explaining all this in English is not easy . I hope you understand!

      Attached Files
      Last edited by Frank; 25 March 2013, 01:44 PM. Reason: Add some information
      Michèle Bergeron


        Re: Relationship Source Person and its Spouse

        Hi Michele,
        Originally posted by Michele B. View Post
        ...I tried redefine her as Source and my father became her 6C1R.
        From the screen image you attached, it appears that your mother and father are related by blood (or, at least that's how they're entered in your family file).

        They are 7th cousins. And because they are related by blood, they are identified as such (7th cousins) instead of by marriage ("spouse"). In Reunion, the identification of blood relationships take priority over marriage relationships.

        What I don't know is whether or not you think they are, in fact, related. Sometimes we see cases where users link the wrong people together accidentally, and wind up with unexpected relationships. But, in your case, I'm not sure if you're saying that they ARE related or they're NOT related. Reunion thinks they're related, based on the way you linked people together. In fact, they're related in multiple ways, based on the screen image you attached.

        One other thing to keep in mind: Reunion has a feature to find the relationship between any two people (that's the screen image you sent) and another feature to identify all the relatives to a source person and show them in the family view (the feature you mentioned in your first post). These are two different features; one doesn't impact the other.
        Last edited by Frank; 25 March 2013, 01:42 PM.
        Frank Leister
        Leister Productions Inc.


          Re: Relationship Source Person and its Spouse

          Hi Frank
          Originally posted by Frank View Post

          .......They are 7th cousins. And because they are related by blood, they are identified as such (7th cousins) instead of by marriage ("spouse"). In Reunion, the identification of blood relationships take priority over marriage relationships.

          One other thing to keep in mind: Reunion has a feature to find the relationship between any two people (that's the screen image you sent) and another feature to identify all the relatives to a source person and show them in the family view (the feature you mentioned in your first post). These are two different features; one doesn't impact the other.
          Yes, they are related by blood. The couple Meneu / Le Peuvrier ( m.23 oct 1663) had 3 children linked to either my father or my mother. The thing is, before today, my mother was still described as my father's spouse in the family view. I surely checked or unchecked something.

          Michèle Bergeron

