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RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

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    RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

    I am importing a GEDCOM file which is purported to be v5.5 compliant.

    In the Import dialogue, under the Optional Fields tab, I am de-selecting Import for both Person and Family RIN fields. Upon Import, I notice RINs appearing throughout Memo fields for most persons.

    Consider, for example, the following fragment:

    1 NAME Kathryn Margaret /HOLMES/
    1 BIRT
    2 TYPE B02 Birth
    2 DATE 3 JUL 1982
    2 PLAC Quilpie, Queensland, Australia
    2 RIN 167
    2 NOTE Born at around 8:45PM.

    In the Birth event for this person, the Memo field for the event reads:
    "B02 Birth, 167, Born at around 8:45PM."

    Clearly, the RIN is being imported despite my de-selecting it for Import. Is this normal behaviour (in which case I will have a great deal of cleaning up to do), or some issue with either the GEDCOM construction or GEDCOM handling?

    Re: RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

    The RIN here is being imported because it is not a top level tag - it has level 2, so is under the immediately above Level 1 tag for BIRT

    Why it's there is anyone's guess.

    You could probably clean it up using for example TextWrangler and a grep find and replace - find all instances of

    2 RIN [0-9]*\r

    and replace with nothing

    should zap out all those lines I think.

    Roger Moffat


      Re: RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

      Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
      The RIN here is being imported because it is not a top level tag - it has level 2, so is under the immediately above Level 1 tag for BIRT

      Why it's there is anyone's guess.

      You could probably clean it up using for example TextWrangler and a grep find and replace - find all instances of

      2 RIN [0-9]*\r

      and replace with nothing

      should zap out all those lines I think.

      Thanks Roger. Clearly I am going to need to familairise myself with the GEDCOM std and syntax. Is there any recommended text on the subject?


        Re: RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

        Originally posted by Steve J View Post
        Thanks Roger. Clearly I am going to need to familairise myself with the GEDCOM std and syntax. Is there any recommended text on the subject?
        If you go to

        you will find the GEDCOM 5.5 standard. You can also get the draft 5.5.1 standard as a .pdf file, at

        Not all family history applications adhere to it as closely as they should! Though Reunion does pretty well.

        I have in my time written and used a GEDCOM syntax analyser, but it will only run really well under OS 7.5 and moderately well under OS 9.2, so I can't exactly recommend it as a starting point...


          Re: RIN data appearing even though deselected on Import

          Super, thanks John.

