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    I have tried to add "relationship" to each individual. For instance: 9G Uncle appears, but no relationship shows for his children. I have "relationship" checked in preferences.

    Re: Relationships

    Originally posted by ausborn View Post
    I have tried to add "relationship" to each individual. For instance: 9G Uncle appears, but no relationship shows for his children. I have "relationship" checked in preferences.
    Relationships are displayed if your preferences are set that way, and they are provided by Reunion only if you have it calculate them. Navigate to the family view you want to use as "source" (that's me in my family file), then click the Person menu (the small triangle in the upper right corner of his/her person "button") and choose Find Relatives. You might want to look this up in the online manual for more.

    You'll also need to do this again periodically after adding people since Reunion doesn't automatically calculate relationships from the current Source when you add.
    Montgomery, Alabama


      Re: Relationships

      Originally posted by ausborn View Post
      I have tried to add "relationship" to each individual. For instance: 9G Uncle appears, but no relationship shows for his children. I have "relationship" checked in preferences.
      What Steve said PLUS... Mind you, I'm not an expert on way out relationships like a ninth great uncle's kids. It may be that Reunion's programming code doesn't cover that situation. Or, more likely, under the conventions agreed to by the genealogy community, those children do not have a defined relationship to you. I don't know which. Of course, these are just intelligent guesses. It may be another reason that I haven't thought of.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Relationships

        Originally posted by Bob White View Post
        I'm not an expert on way out relationships like a ninth great uncle's kids. It may be that Reunion's programming code doesn't cover that situation. Or, more likely, under the conventions agreed to by the genealogy community, those children do not have a defined relationship to you.
        Your ninth great uncle's kids would be your first cousins nine times removed, and Reunion will happily tell you so
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Relationships

          Originally posted by Steve W. Jackson View Post
          Relationships are displayed if your preferences are set that way, and they are provided by Reunion only if you have it calculate them. Navigate to the family view you want to use as "source" (that's me in my family file), then click the Person menu (the small triangle in the upper right corner of his/her person "button") and choose Find Relatives. You might want to look this up in the online manual for more.

          You'll also need to do this again periodically after adding people since Reunion doesn't automatically calculate relationships from the current Source when you add.

          Done all that and still not seeing relationships on new people added. I added a new great grandfather last night. His daughter ( my direct line) shows relationship but not him after doing what you suggested.



            Re: Relationships

            Originally posted by Bob White View Post
            What Steve said PLUS... Mind you, I'm not an expert on way out relationships like a ninth great uncle's kids. It may be that Reunion's programming code doesn't cover that situation. Or, more likely, under the conventions agreed to by the genealogy community, those children do not have a defined relationship to you. I don't know which. Of course, these are just intelligent guesses. It may be another reason that I haven't thought of.

            Version 9 did calculate what I am trying to do now.



              Re: Relationships

              Steve said "Relationships are displayed if your preferences are set that way, and they are provided by Reunion only if you have it calculate them." The key is the last seven words. e.g. You need to reselect yourself as the source to make those additions show a relationship. Reunion does not automatically do it on the fly.

              Thank you, Dennis. I don't have anything as removed as 9 times to look at. The most distant cousin in my file is a 5th twice removed.
              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                Re: Relationships

                Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                I don't have anything as removed as 9 times to look at. The most distant cousin in my file is a 5th twice removed.
                Well, a 9th great-anything or a 9th-removed cousin might as well be reported as "slightly more related than a random stranger selected from any street corner", but it's still good to know
                Dennis J. Cunniff
                Click here to email me

